Reaching the village I was feeling good and decided I'd ad a little more on and took Lotherton Lane under the A1(M), climbing up to Lotherton Gates and then heading along the Tadcaster Road, heading for Saxton. Another nice bit of downhill here, all the way to the Crooked Billet pub, where I was passed (impeccably) by a group of about a dozen motorcyclists, presumably out for a blast before heading to Squires.
Left it was, along a near deserted Raw Lane for the long run into the village. Over the railway bridge, where a group of photographers was gathered (Flying Scotsman, again?) and down the other side, before stopping for a drink and a photo or two of my own:
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I was just about to get back in the saddle when a couple of cyclists slowed alongside me - "morning, everything alright?". "yep, all good thanks" and they were off - always good to be asked though, as you never know...
Anyway, down the road towards Church Fenton past the airport and onto Brackenhill Lane for a loop around the airfield. I pulled into to one of the gateways to let a guy in a Landy past and did toy with the idea of taking a photo of the bike in front of the gate, but there are signs up warning about the Official Secrets Act (presumably left over from when it was an RAF station), so I didn't bother - otherwise I might not be about to post this now
Despite that I was soon back in Ulleskelf and then back to Church Fenton to complete to airfield loop and headed into the village to be greeted by "Road Closed Ahead" signs. Well, any diversion was either going to be on roads I don't know, or send me back the way I'd just come so I decided to press on and see what the score was.
The road was definitely closed, near the (also closed) White Horse pub with works across the full width of the road and I waited a moment while someone in a camper van who'd also ignored the signs did a nine point turn to head back out of the village.
Me? I just hopped off the bike and pushed it 50 yards past the closure on the footpath

Sometimes you've just got to love being on a bike haven't you?
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Copley Lane for the steady ascend to Lotherton Gates passing a sizeable peleton almost all in club kit heading the other way (MCC? orange and black kit?), where I could have simply retraced my earlier route home but decided to press on under the A1(M) towards Garforth.