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- Egham
Yesterday's ride report...
I over did it. Well and truly. Still suffering today....
It was once again the Whitegate Way. There's a surprise. It was dull when I set off, but apparently it was to be the best of the weather during the time I was out.
I had decided that I was going to go to the 5 mile mark and turn around and come home. I wanted to maintain the same distance I had done the day before. I know, its nothing huge but it I still all I can manage. Well I set off, and got to my favourite trees (there is a strange calming essence to them and I love to just sit there and absorb it. I know I sound madder than normal, but hey ho, I can easily go and hug one of them if my back would allow...)
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Today they had a strange greyness to them... but it was nice and calming all the same. Usually I stop and admire them from the other direction. Today, they struck me from this direction... perhaps I should have taken the hint here....
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The mere, it has no fish because it is too acidic. It is also very good at killing the trees around it. It also happens to be the highest point on the Whitegate Way. Both directions it is now downhill all the way.
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So there was me. At the 5 mile mark. It looks so inviting just to continue doesn't it! The sun has even come out for me and just down off to the right between 2 trees is the huge patch (and I mean absolutely huge - football pitch and more huge) of ransoms - wild garlic. I could not resist I was almost there... I can have a rest and then stop and turn around and come home. A handful of wild garlic leaves for tea would work really well... so off I went and got some wild garlic, then it was a case of the gate way a the bottom - that would be a good place to turn around... then it was I can see the end of the 'short version of the Whitegate Way'... I may as a well go and complete it, then I can say I did it in its entirety... so I did.
Coming back I stopped for these 2 pictures... (more trees, hope you like trees... thankfully I do!)
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So the wild garlic patch is now off on the left... and I'm looking at the journey home. I'm also looking at how long it actually took me to cycle all the way one way. Its more than it used to take me to cycle the journey both ways... getting home is going to be hard and it is suddenly dawning on me that I don't have it in me.
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Another excuse for a rest, but after here it is time to just spin those legs and pray they make it home.
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OK - why is it, it always looks nicer behind you. I'm too knackered right now to even get out of my seat and take a proper photo... this is worrying.
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Looks nice behind, but also rather muddy and it is only going to get muddier from here on it and muddier means harder and my back is now hurting me. My legs have nothing left in them and ....
I did make it home, obviously, but I have paid for it and will continue to pay for it for all of today.
https://www.strava.com/activities/274753752 10.8 miles in a dismal 6.1mph. Strangely I managed to get a strava 2015 4th place cup for something! Guess I must just be the 4th person this year to do that segment because it definitely has nothing to do with my time!
I'm not cycling today. I should have been but neither the weather nor myself are up to it. It's a stay in bed and eat day. I think I should manage that if I don't fall asleep whilst I am remote controlling my parents' computer which is downstairs!
Hopefully you'll stop hurting soon. Take the positives and learn that you have found your (current) limitation, the same as you did when you started walking again, and indeed when you first got the trike. By Summer you'll be doing the same ride and thinking nothing of it.