It started oh so well
A dry but slightly blustery afternoon, saw me heading up to the local woods with a cycling buddy.
We were armed with my Go-Pro and his helmet cam. That was a mistake right there
We found a lovely little downhill spot, complete with muddy patches, tree roots and bits of foliage.
My first run down it was great and I felt confident (maybe too confident!) doing a second pass for the camera.
I was standing up on the pedals, in control, when I hesitated about taking a certain line. First mistake!
As I wobbled about, I hit the muddy patch at an angle. Panicking slightly, I then hit the brakes.
Not the rear brake, oh no, that would have been far too easy!
I grabbed the front brake and slowed dramatically. Ok, so I basically stopped dead and threw myself over to one side, as there was no way I was going over the top!
I landed with a thump on my back, where I lay laughing so hard I was crying!
I have video evidence...(no, it's not happening) and a still.
I'm 51. One day, I may start acting like a 51 yr old

Feck I'm sore!
So, I guess you want to see photos...
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Lovely day for it.......
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Pride comes before a fall.....
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Still from the head cam. I was actually laughing....
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Ouchie....the bruising is coming along nicely and my back is killing me!
Still, I had fun!