Lovely walk today, with the added excitement of an acorn hitting me on the head when I was passing through Lings Woods (as reported in Mundane News earlier)
I had a library book to return, so included that in my route. Whilst there, I picked up a pasty for £1 as my half way snack.
The walk from the library, in the Weston Favell centre, to my panned destination is a bit boring, being alongside the A4500, but there's not really another direct route to get to Sywell Reservoir.
I did head off the main road once I reached the Northampton Round footpath, but was shocked (
) to see the proximity of the electric fence to the gate, and the fact that it's kind of close to the metal gate latch!
Even though it took me a while to get there, the pasty was still warm and definitely tasty!
Sywell Res is a non-cycling place, sadly, but it's a pleasant 3 mile circuit to walk with some lovely fishing to be done (My biggest catch was from here a few years ago. A 22lb pike)
My walk back was via one of my cycling and blackberry/elderberry/sloe collecting byways, Cut Throat Lane, towards home.
A bit under 11 miles on this part of the walk, but after popping into home for a coffee and a phone call to the doctors, I did another 3 and a bit miles to pick up my 'Off the sick' certificate, making the total up for my 2nd half-marathon of the week..

I had a library book to return, so included that in my route. Whilst there, I picked up a pasty for £1 as my half way snack.
The walk from the library, in the Weston Favell centre, to my panned destination is a bit boring, being alongside the A4500, but there's not really another direct route to get to Sywell Reservoir.
I did head off the main road once I reached the Northampton Round footpath, but was shocked (

Even though it took me a while to get there, the pasty was still warm and definitely tasty!
Sywell Res is a non-cycling place, sadly, but it's a pleasant 3 mile circuit to walk with some lovely fishing to be done (My biggest catch was from here a few years ago. A 22lb pike)
My walk back was via one of my cycling and blackberry/elderberry/sloe collecting byways, Cut Throat Lane, towards home.
A bit under 11 miles on this part of the walk, but after popping into home for a coffee and a phone call to the doctors, I did another 3 and a bit miles to pick up my 'Off the sick' certificate, making the total up for my 2nd half-marathon of the week..