So, after yesterdays fun and games, it was out on the hybrid.
I know I've joked about it, but shamefully the last time the hybrid saw the light of day was a month ago on September 26th...
To Scholes via Wood Lane and I immediately noticed that the 'new' Marathon tyre has less grip on the slippery stuff than the Tyrago it replaced. Anyhow, huffing and puffing up the hill, then onto Main Street and a quick(ish) run down to the Coronation Tree and out onto the bridleway at Bog Lane.
Through the countryside and a very enjoyable downhill blast before the climb onto Manston Lane, then Nanny Goat lane and the bridleway under the M1 and out to Barwick Road at Garforth.
Left, over the M1 bridge, through the S bend over the beck and up onto Parlington Lane towards Aberford.
It was quite busy on there today, unsurprisingly given the nice weather. lots of dog walkers and joggers, plus quite a few MTB'ers.
Muddy in places too, but good fun. Through the haunted tunnel and then through some glorious autumnal woodland before dropping into Aberford and turning right up the hill to the Almshouses for a breather and a pic:
Refreshed, returned via the same route, encountering more Sunday strollers all of whom were friendly, except one nobber who on seeing me descending the last rocky hill on that section decided that he wasn't going to move slightly to one side, but was going to stand directly in the middle of the lane and stare at me.
Perhaps it was the luminosity of my flouro yellow jacket, or the front light strobing that hypnotised him?
I gave him a cheery thanks as I went around him, which seemed to confuse him no end.

Back via Long Lane and the bridleway over the golf course, before Manston Lane and through Pendas Fields and up to home.
14.47 miles in 1hr 16m at an average of 11.4mph - and yes, it did feel that slow. It's amazing the difference fatter, treaded tyres and a different riding position make. Oh, and being off road.
I checked the tyres when I got home and the were both down to around 30psi, which won't have helped...

so I've pumped them both back up to 65psi and we'll see how that goes next time. I need to raise the saddle an inch or so too. Funny how I struggled to get on with the riding position when I bought the road bike and now it's the hybrid that seems odd.
I did notice that riding a different bike gives you a different perspective. Pretty much all the roadies who I saw today ignored me on the hybrid, whilst I normally get a decent amount of hello's, mornings or even nods when I'm on the road bike. Conversely lots of MTB'ers were very chatty today.
Good news though - the bike shop have phoned and the road bike is not only fixed and ready to collect, but there is no charge!