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Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
Left work at 5pm for an extended ride home on the Tricross. Lovely early evening, sunny and mild at about 15°.
Put a bit of effort in and got far too warm, my backpack didn’t help!
25.3 miles with an average of 18 mph.



I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Another three:

Thursday - happy / chilled 8-ish mile ride on the freshly-appointed, well-behaved Fuji in the beautifully autumnal outside.

Saturday - Obligatory mental health ride on the CdF of around 25 windy, taxing miles but again in beautiful, seasonal surroundings. Some questionable noises that warrant further investigation..

Sunday - Waft to the empty eggmonger then to the Co-op on the Fuji, which shat the bed again.

A bit of grief but still in a far better situation than I could expect if I didn't own a bicycle :smile:
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Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
today when i woke up it suddenly came into my head that it was almost 20 years ago that Walter and i became friends sadly he is no longer here. so it was decided that i would do the ride that we first rode together.
headed over to Bishop Auckland down then up newton bank to pass through Toronto -High Grange-Fir Tree all along the A689 which was not as busy as usual and traffic was been nice. Wolsingham on to Stanhope where i left the A689 to pick up the quite road B6278 all the way to Daddry Shield then back on the A689 to ST Johns chapel which has a great cafe (the chatter box cafe) stopped for a bacon+egg sarnie and coffee, before the climb over chapel fell.
once up and over the top, dropped on to the road to Middleton-in-Teesdale through Eggleston-then left to Woodland -Ramshaw-West Auckland-shildon and then back along cycle track into Aycliffee . 70 miles and great memories










Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Playing catch up again (surely not I hear you cry :whistle:).

Last Tuesday (27th): It had been a disappointing day with wind, regular showers and an almost wintery bite to the air that messed with my motivation. By the evening something clicked though and I found the determination to head out round one of my regular routes regardless. The knockabout bike was used, partly because it's got the dynamo lights but mostly because I don't mind this one getting wet if there were still showers about.

I had a good tailwind to Condover and to Longnor where a shower rolled through that was heavy enough to make me get the waterproofs out. That only lasted about half a mile though and I quickly got too warm so they got stowed again.

A pause in a gateway near Acton Burnell got a friendly wave from a tractor driver as he thought I'd stopped to let him past. I hadn't, but I would have done. It was getting properly dark on the way to Cound Moor and I had an annoying encounter with a driver who wouldn't dip (or has really badly adjusted lights). No problem with the next couple of vehicles I met on the way to Harnage.

There was no flag flying at Cound this time. On reaching Cound Stank I had intended to turn right towards Cross Houses but being able to hear the sound of traffic on the main road from this far away made me think again, so I headed towards Pitchford then Cantlop instead.

I'd have avoided the A49 too but more rain as I approached Condover made me opt for the shorter and flatter route home this time - the traffic wasn't bad and they gave enough room.

23.5 miles at 13.2 mph average. I really needed that ride.:smile:


On my way to Ryton. I actually stopped to take a pic of the view to the hills but that came out all blurry so I offer this snap instead.


Concord College at Acton Burnell.


Sunday: After the disappointment of not getting a ride in during the remainder of the week I wasn't going to miss this chance. I haven't taken out the Galaxy for ages so I got that out, loaded it lightly and headed to do the clockwise version of my Melverley loop.

It was milder and not too windy, so pretty good conditions for it. I had a good run to Condover then crossed the A49 a second time at Hunger Hill and into the wind to Exford's Green, Plealey, Pontesbury and Minsterley. The bike felt quite twitchy for the first few miles but once I was used to it again it was a joy to ride and felt quick despite the headwind.

The traffic was fairly quiet through Westbury and I think I managed to cross the Welshpool road before the weekend rush for home had got going. On the way to Prince's Oak I was feeling pretty good about how quick I was going when a rider breezed past me with great ease. I resisted the temptation to try and give chase by stopping for a photo instead.

I had another photo stop at Melverley then enjoyed picking up a tailwind past The Royal Hill and on towards Pentre. Following the signed cycle route to Shrawardine and Montford the pace stayed nice and quick but at Montford Bridge there is a hill to get over and I could feel the earlier effort in the legs so although I was still doing fairly well by my standards, couldn't push on in the last few miles to Shelton and Meole Brace

A really enjoyable 37.1 miles at 15.4 mph average. I mustn't leave it so long before using the Galaxy again.




The view to the Briedden hills from the road to Prince's Oak.


The church at Melverley.


At Montford.


Yesterday: I was busy in the morning but what I needed to do didn't take as long as it could have so the afternoon was free. A dilemma: Update my rides on CycleChat or get another ride in??? I chose the latter and because the legs felt better than expected, opted for a hilly one. The knockabout bike got used for convenience and I headed over Lyth Hill.

It was a bit more windy, apparently from the south this time, so I was headed into it initially. I was sheltered dropping down to Annscroft but had to work against it through the village. Taking a left for Exford's Green the flag that usually flies on the corner wasn't there so I couldn't get an accurate idea of the direction but it still felt like I was riding into the wind - I certainly wasn't as quick as I went along this road a few trips ago.

On the way to Stapleton there didn't seem to be as much traffic as usual (this lane can be a bit of a rat run at times). I was aiming for Wilderley next along a lane I don't ride very often. It starts off pretty easy but steepens on the way - I wasn't rushing after the ride the previous day and enjoyed just plodding my way up the hill and taking in the scenery. Just a couple of vehicles seen and a glimpse of a cyclist as I approached my next junction. I intended to carry on with the climbing so took Pease Lane up towards Picklescott. Somehow this didn't seem as steep as the last time I rode it...... until I got further up that is.

No chance of a pint at the Bottle and Glass this time as it is closed on a Monday (as are quite a few of the rural pubs in Shropshire). I took the direct lane to Smethcott which I had completely to myself. At one of the junctions a signpost for Netley made me fancy a change of route. I didn't turn at that one but a little further down the hill took a left at Walkmills Farm and toured the lanes a bit. It's been a long time since I last came this way but I did manage to remember which turns to take and ended up dropping down to Dorrington.

The A49 was a bit busy so I had a wait for my turn to cross headed for Ryton and very familiar ground. At Condover I decided I didn't fancy the stretch on the A49 (and I didn't appear to have the good tailwind I'd been expecting) so went the slower but quieter way over Lyth Hill. The right choice as the late afternoon traffic was getting heavy on the main road.

Exactly 23 miles at 11 mph average. It was nice to just amble round this time.


A moody looking view from Lyth Hill this time.


On the climb to Picklescott a streak of green dropped down from a tree and hit my foot. Looking down I found this little fella had hitched a lift.




Highland cattle beside the road to Netley.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Recently circumstances have conspired to keep me from the usual Tuesday pre-pub ride on the Routier.

Today I got the welcome opportunity to give it an outing. Just dragging it out from under the tarp raised a smile at how smart it looks and after a quick check over I was out under the moody grey skies.

I did the usual lap; out through Littlemore and Sandford then along the cycle and tow paths into town, round and about a bit then back up the Cowley rd. I saw lots of different kinds of people on lots of different kinds of bikes and it only took a mile before I was grinning at the sheer pleasure of just being out :smile:

I also went to investigate the burst water main on the ring road that had tripled my journey time to work this morning, and got some shots of the bike on the deserted closed roads before the presence of a bloke in high-vis signalled that it was time to leave.

This is the section of ring road between the Littlemore and Heyford Hill roundabouts; which more often than not would be a car park at this time of day:


All in all about 8 very pleasant, sedate miles :smile:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
A very breezy ride of 121 miles today see's me get my October Imperial Century Challenge qualifying ride done and dusted.
It was windy when I left home at 7.30am this morning, with balmy temperatures of 16 degrees. The weather radar was predicting a bout of heavy rain from mid day onwards. But I seemed to have got the luck. Rain did arrive in the form of light drizzle at 2.30pm for an hour, followed by a heavy five minute downpour of which a nice big tree helped shelter me. Once the band of rain had passed it was dry for the rest of the ride, though still very windy, making the ride hard work at times.
So, that's Imperial Century Month 143 in a row and a new Eddington number of 116.
Screenshot 2022-10-05 6.58.52 PM.png

well... no words really

I've done this climb plenty of times, but as far as I can remember, today was the first time I've descended it.

Faversham Stone Chapel (The altar at the far end) from Roman, Anglo Saxon and Medieval times. Abandoned in 1600's.



A lovely day today in central Brittany – lots of sun and not much wind – around 18/19C but a bit chillier in the shade of the trees.

I drove to Mauron with the road bike in the back of the van and then cycled S down the V3 Voie Verte. A brief deviation to drop off a birthday card for a friend then back onto the V3 through Ploërmel and over the canalised river Oust (the Nantes-to-Brest canal) which is also Eurovelo #1. On past Malestroit then down to the Claie river and up again to the site of the old railway station at Pleucadeuc.

One of those days when I really didn’t know how far I’d go … so what was initially going to be a 30km ride swiftly became a 50km ride, morphed into a 70km ride and when I’d finally stopped at Pleucadeuc I knew that, with the return leg, it’d be around 85km. No problem other than that I’d only got a few choc cookies and a handful of dates to munch on. Oh, well – I’ll have a big dinner tonight..(I did).

The return leg was uneventful and thankfully I didn’t run out of energy. It was 87km in the end and my longest ride of the year.

The northern end of Ploërmel’s Lac au Duc

N end of Lac au Duc pic 1.JPG

The canalised river Oust west of Montertelot (the towpath is Eurovelo #1)

R Oust at Pont des 2 rivières pic 2.JPG

These guys were really moving on the towpath

Cyclists on EV1.JPG


Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
just a shortish ride today with my mate tony, 12 o clock start .. all local lanes and just made the route up as we went. lots of hedges getting cut but we were able to survive. .. lol we even got to see a red deer cross the road in front of us.. no time to take a pic ended up with a nice steady 40 miles, and we just beat the rain






A lovely day today in central Brittany – lots of sun and not much wind – around 18/19C but a bit chillier in the shade of the trees.

I drove to Mauron with the road bike in the back of the van and then cycled S down the V3 Voie Verte. A brief deviation to drop off a birthday card for a friend then back onto the V3 through Ploërmel and over the canalised river Oust (the Nantes-to-Brest canal) which is also Eurovelo #1. On past Malestroit then down to the Claie river and up again to the site of the old railway station at Pleucadeuc.

One of those days when I really didn’t know how far I’d go … so what was initially going to be a 30km ride swiftly became a 50km ride, morphed into a 70km ride and when I’d finally stopped at Pleucadeuc I knew that, with the return leg, it’d be around 85km. No problem other than that I’d only got a few choc cookies and a handful of dates to munch on. Oh, well – I’ll have a big dinner tonight..(I did).

The return leg was uneventful and thankfully I didn’t run out of energy. It was 87km in the end and my longest ride of the year.

The northern end of Ploërmel’s Lac au Duc

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The canalised river Oust west of Montertelot (the towpath is Eurovelo #1)

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These guys were really moving on the towpath

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I hope you reprimanded them for using puppy paws?!!!🤣🤣🤣
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