Your ride today....

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Last Friday we headed off to Suffolk for a few days, we had to leave on the Friday due to engineering work so got the train to Naaridge and then to Lowestoft where we had a cheap(fish) Premier Inn booked.

Another reason for the trip was to check out some spots for a move in a few years time and let's just say Lowie was soon crossed off the list after a mooch around the centre-depressing doesn't really explain it properly with is a shame as some of the suburbs were quite nice; weather was terrible for most part and had to avoid riding along the coast path due to waves lashing over the sea wall.

Saturday was off down to our holiday cottage in Wenhaston near Hailsworth;nice easy pootle made a bit harder with a stiff crosswind.

Rest of the week was spent mostly exploring the coast down to Aldeburgh and up to Southwold with plenty of beaches, some good beer and finding good cafes/delis , apart from Monday were everywhere was shut although we did manage a drink at the Dolphin Inn in Thorpness.

Some pics;

Sizewell beach


Adnams signs


Black Dog deli in Walberswick;fine coffee and Cheese and chilli jam scone






Black Shucks marks on Blythburgh church door (That dog don't give a f,,,)


St Andrews church Walberswick


Maggie Hambling shell on Aldeburgh beach


Star Inn Wenhaston;fine Green Jack Trawler Boys and pizza


St Andrews church Bramfield with thatched roof and seperate round tower

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A few more pics;

USAF memorial Halesworth


The aforementioned Trawler Boys


Broadside at the Sole Bay Inn Southwold


Not a Banksy Halesworth


Second Black Dog deli, this time in Halesworth


The cottage in Wenhaston


River Blyth Southwold


Sotterley chapel



Über Member
I've was struck down with a bug earlier in the week and only just getting over it but wanted a ride out this morning. After yesterday's fettle it was a shake down too.

Decided to explore some Bridleways between Styal and Wilmslow as I am trying to create a few fan gravel loops to do with some friends. Bumped into someone who had been visited by the puncture fairy on the track next to the runway, he was all sorted with gear but was nice to have a quick chat.

On the way back to Stockport I passed through Woodford where in about 10 minutes I think I saw 50 cyclists going the opposite way, not big groups just ones and twos.

Fab ride.







Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I havent done a Friday Night Ride to the Coast for a tad over 4 years. So thought I had better change that and do one. So Ashford in Kent was the destination, not really a coastal ride, but hey.. the roads are local to me and it's a pretty easy ride back home afterwards.
So 30 odd riders set off at midnight from the South Bank in London heading for the country lanes of deepest, darkest Kent.
All weather app and tv predicted heavy rain down in Kent over night and for the morning, so it wasnt looking good for a dry ride. but the rains never came. It wasnt even cold, only a tad chilly just after witching hour.
So after brekkie and saying cheerio to old friends and new, I headed back for home with a FNR newbie Tony in tow. Making good time with the still nice weather I popped in to see my partner for a cuppa at her store in East Peckham near Tonbridge. That left the last climby 25 miles to home.
So, indoors at 2.30pm with 124 miles for the Friday night ride and back home, and the 18 miles on the Friday night to meet the gang. Making for a very nice 142 miles over all. I dont think I'll wait another 4 years before doing another one.
I slept well.
Screenshot 2022-09-25 12.10.44.png


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A squeak free Defy today, probably was a not fully tight cleat bolt but I had also stuck some fresh grease behind the QR mechanisms. Menwith again but the hilly way up the long drag, with a cross head wind, from Hampsthwaite passing through Clapham Green
Clapham Green.jpg

and on the final climb
Mewith Hill.jpg

As I headed south on the B6451 the odd evidence of mositure in the air turned into light drizzle which remined for the rest of the ride.
15.04 miles 935ft climbed 13.2 mph avg
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Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
today's little jaunt off to the coast to see Andy Cap, route was the tried and well loved the wynyard cycle path which is part of ncn1...followed it till it picks up ncn14.. part of the Haswell to Hart cycleway, taking you into Hartlepool. then headed to the headland the wind was getting worse. found old Andy a quick pic and yhen headed for food+coffee. stopped at surfside ,was to late to get my fav sausage sarnie so it was coffee and toasted teacake and a piece of very yummy coconut cake.
route back home was via thorpe thewles - left at redmarshall to cross over the A66 for the longnewton road so as i could ride part of the ncn14 into Darlington sheltered from that gusty wind, but it was here the rain got me .... through Darlington all on cycle paths to pick up the back road to Walworth gate then on to Heighington and drop back into Aycliffe.
great ride longest for a while .. and best of all most traffic free









Legendary Member
My intended ride today was changed for weather related reasons. I'm in Majorca and had planned to go over to Lluc and then to Inca and back from there but the winds are Gale-force strength at times. Some riders were waving at me to turn back and one said that higher up, he couldn't control his bike due to really strong gusts. As that's a twisty-winding steep climb with busses and coaches coming down at you, I stayed low down to avoid the worst of it but even then it was like peddling through treacle.


Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
my ride today was to be a steady one to loosen the old legs after yesterday's 70 miler.a trip over to Barny on my usual route mainly to see if my fav cafe stop had been closed ... :cry::cry: a mix of quite lanes and a little off road, even though the wind was chilly with the sun out i add to the route aand ended up doing 51 miles :whistle: with 2,500 of upness. the joys of retirement ^_^^_^









Flipping stupid car driver this evening; overtook me on the approach to a left hand bend and then proceeded to nearly clip the kerb on the bend completely cutting me up - good job it was going up a 10/11% climb with the consequential ability to rapidly loose speed even on the ebike. Having watched a close pass video on where the police crazilly refused to take action because of the cyclist swearing at the car driver/ calling her names/ thumping the car I resisted the temptation to make my feelings known. Just filled in a report form and attached the video to it. And to think I nearly went out without a sportscam. Purpose of the ride was a search for bananas - local Co-Op had a stack very green yesterday and no different today so I figured Morrisons would probably be a good source.

The incident apart it was a good outbound ride with only one actual stop in a queue of traffic attempting a right turn at a set of traffic lights. The railway crossing barriers at Starbeck indicated they were going to desend so I opted, for the first time, to cycle through the subway
Starbeck subway.jpg

No obvious no cycling signs and have seen others do it; I did walk the ebike through it for the first time the other week probably annoying a cyclist behind as I as wary of what the head height might be.
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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I haven't been for a ride for over a week due to weather conditions so I checked the forecast this morning and it said cloudy but no rain. Great I thought. Got the bike ready, changed into my cycling gear and off I went. Ten minutes into my ride, guess what ? ...........................It started to rain so I did what any deserving cyclist would do, I turned round and went back home. My ride amounted to 6 miles . :cursing:
Not a happy chap as it is now sunny with blue sky but I am not going out again for today.
Tomorrow's forecast says, no rain all day. Should I believe it ?


Legendary Member
A rubbish day at work, so I got out for a much needed evening ride. It was quite mild when I set out and probably didn’t need the jacket on, but was glad I had it later in the ride.

With the darker evenings it was the Genesis used, due to much better lights and so with that I fancied going into Bayston Hill and up Lyth Hill, rather than taking the main road to dad’s.

Encountered a prat on Green Lane, driving a White van, who overtook me very closely, then pulled into the left, blocking my path and just reversed into his driveway. He looked directly at me, as I then passed his entrance, so I gave him a full on glare to make my point. I felt like stopping, but after the day I’d had it wasn’t a good idea, as I’d have likely punched him.

The climb up Lyth Hill was busy with traffic, before I joined the off road track, which was quite wet in places, with the rain this week and I had to squeeze onto the side to let a lady coming down in a 4x4 through

I descended through Little Lyth, to Exfords Green and then on to Stapleton, with light rain starting to fall for the last mile or so. By the time I’d got to Dad’s, it was pouring down, so I’d timed it well to avoid a soaking.

I had half an hour with Dad, before setting back out, with the rain having stopped. What was noticeable was the change in temperature though, as it had gone quite cold and must have dropped 5 or 6 degrees C in that half hour!

I had quite a wait to cross the A49, then went through Gonsal and Condover, joining Lyons Lane. There was quite a sight along there, as I rounded a bend to find an Owl swooping towards me, only for it to do an about turn, swoop away and fly in front of me for a few yards and then disappear into a field.

From Betton Abbots the roads were quite wet again, but it wasn’t raining now thankfully. The short section on the A458 was absolutely heaving, with me waiting what must have been 2 minutes to get a gap and it was the same both ways, so I was wondering if something had happened on the nearby A5?

I arrived home, in the dark for the first time this Autumn, with 15.29 miles on the clock at 12.0 mph avg and my first ever KOM on a Strava segment through Bayston Hill!! Only 3 of us have done the segment, but hey they all count 🤣
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