Your ride today....

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
After riding home from work...... I sat on the sofa........... It lasted an hour and there may have been some snoring involved!
So at 10 to 7 I legged it upstairs and got changed, grabbed my bike and went out in the warm evening sunshine. The sun was low and the ripening wheat was swaying gently in th breeze. I went on my usual roads, but in an order I'd not done them before. So from Toft I went up to Kingston, passing the beautiful old church then I doubled back on myself back down the other side of the hill. I then turned right, then left up to Caldecote and Caldecote Highfields with its annoying speed bumps, I think there are about 13 in half a mile!
Off to Bourn and past the curry house, mmmm! Smelling good!
After Longstowe I started to smell the maggot farm, smelling bad!
Turning at the Gransdens I was now free of the low, blinding sun but I'd swapped it for a lazy southerly head wind. This can be a fast bit of road 30mph plus but the wind would only just let me get just over 23mph!
Again, a fast bit of road from Caldecote back to Hardwick can be fast and fun, but not tonight, not fast, but still fun!

27.5 miles at a 17.8mph average. Not bad for a knackered old fart!


World class procrastinator
Sorry @Saluki , are you saying the changes made no difference?
I don't know yet. I did Hubster's after our ride tonight. Mine just got turned on to record the ride. I'll stick a route in it tomorrow and see how it goes. I shall deliberately 'get lost' for a hundred yards or so :smile:

All the settings, on both Garmin's, have now been changed as per your instructions. I'd have put a route in mine this evening, but I didn't know how to and Hubster stuck the route in his. I have no learned how to get the Garmin to take me on a random route after telling it how far I want to go. I know, RTFM, but I can't remember which cupboard I put the TFM in :laugh:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I don't know yet. I did Hubster's after our ride tonight. Mine just got turned on to record the ride. I'll stick a route in it tomorrow and see how it goes. I shall deliberately 'get lost' for a hundred yards or so :smile:

All the settings, on both Garmin's, have now been changed as per your instructions. I'd have put a route in mine this evening, but I didn't know how to and Hubster stuck the route in his. I have no learned how to get the Garmin to take me on a random route after telling it how far I want to go. I know, RTFM, but I can't remember which cupboard I put the TFM in :laugh:

Okey doke. Just acquired a touring myself so will be interested in your have yet to use it in anger.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
My ride yesterday..... Another beautiful early morning ride in Languedoc. 21.4 miles this time. Headed South from St Nazaire de Ladarez again, but this time, at the bottom of the gorge I continued South across the plain to Causses-et-Veyran and the villages of Murviel-les-Beziers and Thezan-les-Beziers.

Although there were still vineyards everywhere, I could tell I had made a bit of a mistake, as the latter two villages are basically commuter satellites of Beziers, and it was rush hour by the time I hit the busy main road between them. Turned tail and headed back for the hills, the scenery and the quieter roads. Even though it was a Monday, there were still a good few club cyclists out and about. Unbelievably, some of them were still out there hours later in 35c heat, long after I was home and hosed and back on the road in my car.

Couldn't believe the noise of the cicadas today. As I was heading down the gorge the low sun was only just touching the upper slopes to the West of me, so that's where all the noise was coming from. As the countryside opened up, so the vineyards, the scrubland and the trees suddenly came alive everywhere around me. It starts like the rhythmic sound of a rotating water sprinkler, only louder. Then suddenly, with amazing synchronisation, they all change their song to a different sound resembling a garden strimmer that lasts for only a few seconds before they resume the rhythmic sprinkler sound. Whenever you pass a stand of trees or large bushes that are in full sunlight the noise become deafening. Go anywhere near an umbrella pine and it becomes an unbelievable cacophony like the quality control testing room in a castanet factory. Added to that, there was another squeak, squeak sound and a rhythmic tapping/twanging noise that I kept hearing nearby, but I never identified the source of either. For a few miles I was convinced I had a problem with the bike... perhaps one bit needing oiling and also a loose spoke. It was only when I got off to investigate them and the noises still carried on somewhere in the ditch nearby that I realised they were either insects or birds - or perhaps frogs making the noise!

By the time I got back near to St Nazaire de Ladarez at about 9.45, the temperature was already getting close to 30c, and I was returning by the hilly route over Mont Peyroux. Very glad I had not forgotten my drinks bottles today. Needed every last drop. Sorry, but I've not had much luck uploading photos from my wife's laptop this time, so only the one on offer from this ride. This is the view of the villa we are staying in, seen from the slopes of Mont Peyroux. The village may be high up in the hills, but it is very well hidden in a natural bowl . Unfortunately, for this (partly) cycling holiday, muggins here has rented the villa standing high above the rest of the village up a steep (perhaps over 25%) drive. You can see the house and the top 10% of the drive in this shot (rode it the first time... walked it this time, and will do so again every time in future)....
Cheers, Donger.



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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
@vernon - That last picture in your last post shows soem lovely scenery! To live in one of them houses, basic and all, but my god what a view.

@Donger - Again, stunning scenery. I hate climbing them hills, but boy do I love looking at them!

@ianrauk - I changed settings on my garmin as per your suggestions, and my routing seemed to be much better all round. I was also using a smaller (UK only) map rather than the gargantuan Euro map. Also, I imported the course direct from Garmin Connect, rather than RideWithGPS. Somewhere in that mix, my routing was faster, smoother, and I got back correct "Distance to Next" figures for the next turning etc Something that the GPX files I created in RideWithGPS don't seem to work with for some reason.

My ride (yesterday now)..

Did an early shift (4am - 1pm) then got home and considered a ride with @themosquitoking, but fell asleep for 2 and a half hours or so. Woke up and found he had come back from his ride.

Being a HOT sunny beautiful day, but feeling a little lethargic and leggy from my last ride, I decided to do a slow pootle up to central London as it's as flat as it gets here. Spent plenty of time catching some photo ops, had a sit down to people watch on the west steps of St Pauls Cathedral, enjoyed relatively small amounts of traffic and all in all had a thoroughly enjoyable ride.

I did sped it up beyond Battersea, as the light was quickly diminishing, and I hadn't brought any lights with me.

When I got home, the moon was in the sky, and the temperature was still 23 degrees!
















And for the final picture...anyone seen The IT Crowd? Specifically (IMO) it's best episode, "The Work Outing"? This pic may ring some bells....


I really took my time, stopping for photos at every decent opportunity, and just going steady on the bits inbetween. It says a lot about how my speed seems to have risen somewhat since my bike fit and restoration of the cleats and clipless pedals, as despite holding my heart rate in zones 2 and 3 for the whole ride (when its normally almost always in zone 4 or 5), I've got another huge batch of Strava achievements - 76 in fact, on a course I have done maybe 4 or 5 times for the latter half, and quite a few more times for most of the first half.

13 rider

With a family holiday in two weeks and very busy weekend coming up I was concerned about getting July's 50 miler in so day off work 1st July so 50 mile target. With the weather being hot I decided on an early start got up at 0500 had got prepared last night everything laid out ready to go. Quick coffee and breakfast out the door at 0545. Head out through Newtown Linford up Sharply hill which is where I realised my amateur mistake my lovingly prepared water bottles were nicely chilled still in the fridge !!! .so dilemma turn round 3 miles home and come back up Sharply hill or carry on . Luckly on longer rides I carry cash so decided to press on to the shop in Long Whatton 10 miles away .Just as I got to Shepshed it started to rain :rain: but there wasn't a cloud in the sky the rain was quite refreshing only lasted three minutes on to Long Whattonn found the shop closed :sad: so on to Kegworth 2 miles . Got to the shop right on the main road and very busy next issue as I hadnt plan to stop no lock decided to press onto a quieter village of Gotham .Then I found it the oasis that is an open spar shop^_^ .Two bottles of water purchased the first one half drank instantly .Rehydrated It was on to East Leake, Costock ,Wysall, Willoughby on the Wolds ,Grimston ,Asfordby,Hoby ,Thrussington ,Ratcliffe on the wreake, Cossington, Rothley and Cropston .Got to the t junction left short way but looked at milage and I needed at bit more so right to the back of Bradgate park through the park which was a lovely ride still being early it wasn't busy then into Newtown Linford and back home .51.9 miles done at an average of 15.6 mph .Glad I went early just as I got home it was getting properly hot :sun:had put sun screen on before going so legs and arms covered in dead fly's (lovely) .some times when I ride on my own I set targets for extra motivation today's target was 50 miles in three hours .Failed bike computer read 47.98 miles after three hours still a good effort will try again . This was the first long ride on the Giant Defy and found it more comfortable than expected just a bit of shoulder ache when I got home . Lovely ride few other riders out but to was early . I really like my lie ins but will definitely go for early rides again and can recommend it in this weather you need to get out of bed and ride
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Hugh Manatee

I rarely stop when out for a ride. No cafe stops or anything like that for me. I just had to make an exception for these poppies though. The finest display I think I have ever seen. They were that good I made the family go back with me to look at them.

A longer ride and lovely in the sun before it got mega hot. Hot enough to make me unleash a bandanna to keep the sun off my head.
1 poppy.JPG
poppy 1.JPG

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Thought I would head out for a little jolly before the day got too hot so cycled with my 9yr old to school then carried on from Ashton-under-Lyne to Glossop and on to the top of the Snake Pass. I consulted the weather forecast so I knew what was in store but it was a hellish headwind I faced when climbing the Pass from the Glossop end which kept my climbing speed down around 7mph for most of the ascent.
After a 5-10 minute breather at the top (this is an old picture but could just as well been taken today :sweat:) it was payback time.

I descended back towards Glossop with a strong tailwind for the first time in.... well, forever! This was what I had hoped for and I was not disappointed. Speeds easily crept up to 35-40mph in the higher parts of the descent but once past some roadworks at the initial barriered section I began to fly and before I hit the first sweeping right hander I was buzzing along at 55mph! :eek: That was it right there, the fastest I have ever been on a bicycle, by a good 3½mph and I felt that I could easily have gone faster if I had the gearing for it but my compact chainset meant that my furious pedalling was starting to get a bit erratic. I tucked in and coasted for a while, waiting for my speed to drop but it stuck mostly at around 52mph apart from having to slow for a couple of the tighter corners or when being caught by the odd sidewind. This was easily the fastest descent I have ever done and I had a huge grin plastered across my face the whole time, it's very addictive. There are some lovely corners on the pass that get really interesting at higher speeds.
The rest of the ride home was quite routine in comparison and the whole ride of nearly 24 miles was finished in a riding time of 1hr 35min, not too shabby considering the heat and the slow, painful crawl up the Snake Pass into the killer headwind. I'd go straight back and do it again if it wouldn't mean getting in to trouble with Lady Skol :B)


Pro sandbagger
South Derbyshire
I have a sore backside, but we`ll come to that later.

I had planned a midnight road ride, but got talked out of it by the mrs (she is seldom right on most matters, but she had me on this one) as she pointed out to me that I`m more of a heads up looking at views photo taking rider and you cant see stuff in the dark. She also mentioned something about me getting killed :blink:.... Fair do`s, love.

Set out at 04.30 with a destination in mind.
Sunrise at Measham over the M42
Picture 595.jpg

Just shy of 90 minutes into my ride I get near my target and stop for a spot of breakfast at a water park.
Picture 596.jpg

How awesome is this? :becool:. I`ll have a go on that, its 06.00 and there`s no one about :dance:..... Big mistake, but we`ll come to that later :whistle:
Picture 600.jpg

Feeling pretty sore, I gingerly carried on my way and took a few minutes out to take a photo of The Battle Line railway.
Picture 603.jpg

I`m getting nearer to my destination, but a few more miles to go. The Batter of Bosworth may just give it away ^_^
Picture 604.jpg

Job done. I`v had this on my want to do list since I got into cycling in August.
Picture 606.jpg

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Picture 609.jpg

Now its time to tell you about my sore bum... I thought it would be amusing to take a photo of myself going down this slide at the water park.... Seconds after taking this photo I was on the floor writhing around in agony.... Lycra + plastic slide = mach 3, I got airborne on the second "hump" and landed flush on my coccyx on the third. I Think at least 5km`s of my strava recorded distance was of me rolling around at the bottom of the slide :giggle:
Picture 602.jpg

I`m not one for records, but my previous longest recorded ride was 40km, this was 69km... Smashed it :highfive:
After a very warm night, aka didn't need the bed clothes or even a sheet last night, I wasn't really in the mood for a ride, but I had promised my ride partner that we would go out. She sent me a text message around 8am to say that she had to take her eldest to the dr's, so that meant I was free to do what I wanted really. Which was nothing, but that wasn't really on the books because I was already in my cycling attire! And I really needed a recovery ride after yesterday's ride.

So with that all in mind, I decided to get out immediately, with the idea that it won't have warmed up yet... yeh... right.


I am starting to really appreciate trees and leafy country lanes...


I had decided to repeat one of my rides that I was doing prior to my last surgery on my back. I thought I might tell me how well I had progressed. Yeh, that didn't work out to well either....
Somewhere around Acton Bridge I had a really helpful and considerate WVM. Yep, you read that correctly. In fact I even recorded the registration and company name because the driver went out of their way to remain where they were, not overtake unsafely and was amazingly patient as this women in a recumbent trike failed superbly to go up hill... well I didn't fail to go up hill and I actually think it was the fastest I have done that section of road, but it is a killer and I am usually in bottom gear and vehicles normally get really impatient and pushy and nasty and do all sorts of stupid things to try and get passed you as you go over this blind railway bridge which has a bad junction on the other side. Well this WVM sat a long way behind me, no revving of engines, no anything, just patience for well over a minute until I could pull over across the left hand white line and into the hatched area on the top of the bridge which then gives the drivers enough space to get passed be and despite me doing this, he still overtook and gave me loads of space, rather than working on the she's on the other side of the white line principle that everyone else uses. So the VWM from Scottish Power reg DX64 ZKJ, thank you very much. It really was one of the best bits of driving I have seen for a while along that stretch.

Later on I was to meet another considerate driver. Just as I met a lady pushing a pushchair (unaware of me despite me ringing my bell), a car arrived on the scene on a single track (6 foot wide) lane. I started to pull off the road just as the car driver also pulled off the road to allow myself to proceed without having to stop. Changing down on the front chainring, my chain took this moment to come off and jam which meant I could go nowhere... I signalled to him that I had a mechanical issue (slitting knife across throat and pointing to the pedals/chainset), he worked it out and came forward pausing when he got to me and wound the window down. He wanted to check I was OK and could deal with the issue myself. :smile: Confirming I was OK I commented that I just love the mixture of chainoil and sunblock, he laughed, wished me a good day and left me to it!

A few moments around the next corner and I come across a stray dog, keen to say hello. Before long a woman walking 2 others arrived and we ended up chatting for nearly 10 minutes until the next car arrived on the scene! She was very interested in my trike!



I couldn't quite make up my mind which one I preferred....

Anyhow - a very slow journey home made my usually slow times even slower... 15 miles in (cough) hours... I blame the heat!


Far East Sussex
My ride began just after the day, a 00:20 launch into the cool night air. No 80 degree inferno for me thanks. (Yes, I've lived places hotter; where 100 degrees is no cause for particular alarm. After you've lived somewhere with no true summer for a while, you begin to forget it ever existed.)

As I left I could see the electricians working down the field to bring light back to the territory. Better back up…

Yesterday evening I was sitting at my desk and heard a SNAP. Out of the corner of my eye I spied a power line fluttering to the ground outside my window. Which is one way to turn off a computer. The lights did that wavery thing they do in movies when a condemned man is getting executed.

When powerguy arrived he had to cool his heels while dispatch started switching off the rest of the locals to make it safe. We chatted about his job (he loves it), lambs (he does lambing), rabbits (he breeds them), and of course, electricity. "It's the heat," he said. Sometimes it makes things snap.

Other powerguys arrived and I left them to it as the house darkened along with the day. And so to bed. Then awake a few hours later for that ride. First I tramped down the field to check on progress; this was a long stretch of line that had to be reaquainted with itself. "Should be a few more hours," they said. I had hours.

Did my usual rounds, for the last mile or so turning off my front light to truly savour the lack of distractions. Like Luke Skywalker, I didn't need visual aids to hit the sweet spot.

They were just finishing up as I arrived home. I thanked powerguy. Imagine that: spending time doing something you love.
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13 rider

I have a sore backside, but we`ll come to that later.

I had planned a midnight road ride, but got talked out of it by the mrs (she is seldom right on most matters, but she had me on this one) as she pointed out to me that I`m more of a heads up looking at views photo taking rider and you cant see stuff in the dark. She also mentioned something about me getting killed :blink:.... Fair do`s, love.

Set out at 04.30 with a destination in mind.
Sunrise at Measham over the M42
View attachment 94455
Just shy of 90 minutes into my ride I get near my target and stop for a spot of breakfast at a water park.
View attachment 94456
How awesome is this? :becool:. I`ll have a go on that, its 06.00 and there`s no one about :dance:..... Big mistake, but we`ll come to that later :whistle:
View attachment 94457
Feeling pretty sore, I gingerly carried on my way and took a few minutes out to take a photo of The Battle Line railway.
View attachment 94459
I`m getting nearer to my destination, but a few more miles to go. The Batter of Bosworth may just give it away ^_^
View attachment 94460
Job done. I`v had this on my want to do list since I got into cycling in August.
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View attachment 94466
View attachment 94467
Now its time to tell you about my sore bum... I thought it would be amusing to take a photo of myself going down this slide at the water park.... Seconds after taking this photo I was on the floor writhing around in agony.... Lycra + plastic slide = mach 3, I got airborne on the second "hump" and landed flush on my coccyx on the third. I Think at least 5km`s of my strava recorded distance was of me rolling around at the bottom of the slide :giggle:
View attachment 94468
I`m not one for records, but my previous longest recorded ride was 40km, this was 69km... Smashed it :highfive:
As my mum would say grow up . I would to have to have had a go as well were just big kids :laugh: .It take it that's bosworth water park I sometimes ride that way lovely quiet lanes
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