Your ride today....

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I had to Google that :laugh: but so long as i can have a cuppa and have got my book i'm happy to sit in the sun and i promise not to poke things through her tent to make her get up:whistle:
Totally action free commute this morning,just a nice sunny ride in;

Took a few pics of some Cam(and bike)scenery taken on the older bridge in Chesterton;

Looking back to the direction I came in;


Bike and swans;


Showing off the new white tape:becool:;


And an obvious rower pic looking the other way;

Yesterday's ride.

It started badly. It was raining. Then it got worse, my OH agreed to take a parcel for my landlady for a courier to collect in the morning... What - he was meant to be coming cycling with me! He promised to come with me in the afternoon instead. I relented and went off and sulked. Come the afternoon, he was not feeling well... but did eventually decide to come with me. It was by now sunshine and blue skies... so perhaps he did me a favour? We set off slowly. I was planning on the same route as the day before which meant +1000 feet of climbing and 20 miles. I know, not a huge amount but for me it is still a lot.

I struggled to get going for around the first 30 minutes or so and it didn't help that I wasn't feeling very well either. I had drunk too much water and on top of that a certain person was sulking.


It was rather windy and attempts at communication had failed. He was sulking because he couldn't hear me and I wasn't very happy because he was being rather short with me because he couldn't hear me (I still have no voice 6 weeks after losing it! It is unrelated to my op). It then got worse because just at the worst possible moment in Delamere Forest, my chain came off... I put my arm up hoping he would realise there was an issue and not run into the back of me as I had to stop before the bend and ideally some distance back from it and also find somewhere suitable to get the trike off the road... it wasn't particularly safe where I was... From there and a rest (?) things seemed to get a touch better. We gave up trying to communicate, and things seemed to improve until we met a road block... still it gave us chance to talk.


From here it was a drop down onto the Cheshire plains towards Chester and in theory easy going. Theory always seems not to work. A really strong wind made me very grateful that we had high hedges and I was on a trike.. Still once we turned around it was going to be all uphill for quite a way.


A long climb later and with an OH now somewhat happier and talking about me taking him to a cafe either at Mickle Trafford or at Jodrell Bank and I think I had found the cause of the problem. He was thinking 20 miles was too much for me... well it was the previous day in that it took me all day to recover form the ride, but today I was a lot better and he could see that whilst I was riding I was at least OK. It was after the ride I had problems... so everything now seems to be fine again. Always good to know.

One amusing incident that happened really early on. On a B road with 2 lanes. Its a busy B road that is wide and a well known cut through. It is not by any means a single track road. In fact it is wider than some A roads I know. We are cycling along and have dropped back into single file when the oncoming car stops dead in the road until we have passed :wacko: What was all that about? Can't you manage to pass a bike without stopping? Oh well.

20 miles, marginally slower than the day before but only just.


World class procrastinator

Today I got a quick 28.72 miles in before dog walking and the dentist

Marlingford Mill was pretty in the sun. marlingford%20mill%20800x598.jpg
I did briefly stop in Wymondham, at Howards Cycles to refill my bidon. I'd glugged a bit more than I had realised so asked if they would just stick the bidon under the tap for me. They obliged. Even though Howards are no longer my local LBS, I shall continue using them as they are so excellent, friendly and they will top up a bidon in the hot weather. I will get a new bottle cage!

From there I headed to Silfield Road, up the back lane behind where I lived when in Wymondham and out on the Silfield Road again. It can get a bit busy which is why I tend to go up Park Lane, it's prettier too. I turned right to Wattlefield and then rode round the longer route towards Bunwell but didn't head that way but went towards Fundenhall.

Fundenhall is pretty but the map route that I had put in turned out to be someone's drive and not a road at all so I had to go on the main road and then back on route so my Garmin had conniptions again and tried to take me to the end via the shortest route. I knew the way and had only put a route in to navigate me through Fundenhall as I don't know that way much. Plus I wanted to see if it would throw anther strop. It did.
Turn Left it said 'beep beep'
I looked left:

Stupid thing. I have no idea what has got into the stupid thing. I really don't

28.72 miles in the sun in 1:59:17. I was covered in thunder-bugs so have had a shower. My legs, arms and face were black - except for where my sunglasses protected around my eyes. Hubster laughed and the client who's dog I then walked, did look at me a little oddly.
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
It looks like your Garmin is trying to take you back to the start of your route via the quickest route possible.
Try this to remedy it
  1. Click the Wrench Icon on the main menu of the unit.
  2. Select Routing Options
  3. Change Routing Mode to Cycling
  4. Change Calculation Method to Minimize Distance
  5. Ensure Lock On Road is set to Off
  6. Enter Avoidance Setup and disable all (keeps the unit from changing your pre-planned route based on its own map data)
  7. Change Recalculation to either Prompted or Off (Important!!! If you lose GPS signal or go slightly off course, recalculation will usually short cut you to the end of your route. You almost never want it, so we set it to Prompted).


A Human Being
A gorgeous 104km ride this morning, nice and easy with just 800m of going up, taking in Lacock and Malmesbury:okay:.
Started off overcast but still 17 degrees, after about an hour the sun came out and it became very warm with almost no breeze:sun::sun::heat::heat:.

Just after setting off after stopping for a camera memory card change and something to eat, about 70km, I was passed by a couple taking advantage of the lovely weather.
They had been out for a 40 mile ride and were almost home but I had another 34km to go before getting home:okay:.

For the first time I was bitten by something that drew blood, no idea what it was just felt a sharp needle type pain in my calf, looked down, noticed a largish brown flying insect, brushed off and then saw the blood:thumbsdown:

No cake when I arrived home but a quick 5 minute walk to the shop corrected this^_^.
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World class procrastinator
It looks like your Garmin is trying to take you back to the start of your route via the quickest route possible.
Try this to remedy it
  1. Click the Wrench Icon on the main menu of the unit.
  2. Select Routing Options
  3. Change Routing Mode to Cycling
  4. Change Calculation Method to Minimize Distance
  5. Ensure Lock On Road is set to Off
  6. Enter Avoidance Setup and disable all (keeps the unit from changing your pre-planned route based on its own map data)
  7. Change Recalculation to either Prompted or Off (Important!!! If you lose GPS signal or go slightly off course, recalculation will usually short cut you to the end of your route. You almost never want it, so we set it to Prompted).
Thank you for this. I shall get prodding after I get back in with the hounds.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
A short six mile ride in the cool morning air.



Today's ride in the Cotswolds was a wet and windy affair. With one of the smallest turn outs for the KCC with just 3 hardy souls braving the weather.

A lot of people were doing a Pied Piper ride or like @Donger were on holiday

The riders were Dave K @gordyfinbar and I .

The ride gave me about 50 cups on strava which l was surprised at in this weather. In the end the ride for me was just over 40 miles .

I will not be out next weekend as I will be at Silverstone for the British Grand Prix from Thursday to Sunday.

Hoping someone might lend me a bike to ride around the track


Never used Über Member
A delightful 13.62 miles ride along the Solar Cycle (NCN R65) from Askham Bar P&R at York down to Dam Dike, just north of Riccal, and back.
The real reason for the ride was to test the new bike carrier (good, didn't fall off or result in a divorce setting it up...) and give Mrs ND a good run away from traffic on her nearly new bike to test her bike riding skills and build a bit of confidence. Result on both counts. :wahhey:
We both enjoyed a really pleasant and leisurely ride through some lovely countryside and stumbled across the hidden gem that is Naburn Station Trust Hut!
Unfortunately the sun and the planets out as far as Jupiter have all been vandalized, but the rest of the ride more than makes up or that.


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Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
Nice 30-miler around the Berks countryside yesterday.

Two lovely wide passes a few minutes apart from car drivers who took great care to move right over to the other side of the road. Unfortunately both were on blind left-hand bends. Happily, my silent prayers that there was nothing coming in the opposite direction were answered ...
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