Day off in lieu of this weekend working, suns up, its warm, modest breeze...I'm off.
37 miles spinning, no dramas or pushing, 14mph average, arrived home feeling really quite fresh.
Peterborough, Marholm, Newborough, onto Crowland, , a good few gloriously quiet and pretty miles alongside the Welland river, began to lose my bearings of which direcrion Peterborough actually was... onto Deeping St James, now ive got a fix, Deeping, skirting Northborough, Glinton, back to Marholm and home.
Glorious, best ride for an eternity it seems.
Stopped at a shop at one point and brought some lucozade, filled my bottle with it. 2 miles later....BANG....what the hell, my bottle lid flew off, showing the bike with a mist of sticky lucozade....bloomin eck, leave the teat open in future.
10 miles and a bit last night, 37 ditto today, 48 miles in the last 24 hours.
Fitness is truly returning.....