Your ride today....

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Perhaps This One.....
You'll love the Black Mountains, @cosmicbike . Not sure about doing them in March though!

I think my attendance will be weather permitting, though I need to book a hotel room the night before, I don't fancy a 3 hour drive before the ride. The chap who's asked me along does this route every year as a season opener and closer, so March & September.

13 rider

Last weeks Imperial ton ride was postponed due to ice and the promise of better weather this week the forecast slowly changed to :rain:. @Supersuperleeds had plotted a route to enable 4 people starting in different locations with different targets to get them done . First @Lilliburlero dropped out due to family commitments shall we replan . Took the easier option of sticking to plan A. Up this morning checked weather app 100% chance of rain at 0700 I will get wet then . The route was a few miles short for me so an extended route to the meeting point at Market Bosworth ,Anstey ,Groby ,Ratby ,Kirby Muxloe ,Newbold Vernon and a loop round the town and I have enough miles in . @Supersuperleeds was waiting after a quick fettle of my front guard were on our way . The rain was light but persistent. Working our way to Tamworth we went through the strangely named Norta-juxta Twycross a good Scrabble score . On to Polesworth where @Supersuperleeds Strava planned route had us heading down a canal towpath , not today so sticking to roads we navigated through Tamworth somehow . A long up and down rolling road got us to a furthest point from home . Turned for home hoping for a bit of tailwind . A call of nature break at 50 miles had me and @Supersuperleeds changed into are perfect planned spare glooves absolute bliss :rolleyes:. The rain had stopped now heading back on to familiar roads . We very slowly reeled in a bunch of 4 club riders hoping to draft them up a long drag the rearmost rider waved us past and as we hit the climb they slowed so we dropped them:laugh: surprising easily . Another Strava navigation wobble sending down a bridle path :crazy:
Luckily we knew where we were and plotted round it all adding extra miles. At 65 miles we had a climb into Ibstock and my legs sort of exploded as I dragged myself up .It's going to be a struggle now then . Stopped at the Ibstock sign for a photo for the ABC challenge to see a text from @tallliman who was do to meet in a few miles but couldn't make hed been called into work . So now we could miss the tangent part of the ride to Nice Pie but that would leave both of us short . So after a few miles contemplating different routes . We decided to stick to the original plan . Everytime the road went up I struggled despite me supposedly being the climber of the group . The climb through Stanton under Barden was a slow grind . At bit of respite with the descent down Beacon hill. Into Barrow and the climb of Paudy lane a steep start the a gentle climb of 4 miles in total not what you want on empty legs @Supersuperleeds doing his best to pace me up . Just about had enough miles in and thought about sacking of the cake stop . But stubborn me decide to carry on and we were soon there thankfully :smile:. My normal order of beans on toast was off the menu :sad: so cheese sandwiches it was. A very welcome break . Soon back out into what we knew would be a headwind . @Supersuperleeds in full domestique mode sitting in the front . Into Seagrave, Sileby, Cossington and Rothley were we parted company leaving me 5 miles on my own having already past the ton all the diversions had added a few miles on. A slow drag up out of Rothley and one more climb just before home 107 miles in the bag and just the 5351ft of upness in just over 7 hours . I think we had 3 hours of rain and a troublesome wind for all 7 hours. @Supersuperleeds putting in 112 miles despite me looking like I would do the most but thats @Supersuperleeds for you . Thanks to him for today he did more than his fair share of work and getting me round if I been on my own I would have bailed apologies if me not being that chatty but as I put in the ride I was proper f*_"+£d .
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Back in the saddle and that sharp, narrow climb out of the car park, encouraged on my way from about half way up by a motorist revving their engine behind me. Unfortunately this additional distraction seemed to slow me down even more, oh dear.
Must confess I've always wheeled the bike back up the in slope - suspect its quicker overall unless you are heading east.

Hugh Manatee

The second 2019 ride! The usual route in very strong wind. It felt like the only bit of tail wind I had was from the entrance to Cosford Museum (highly recommended) back to the A41. I suppose there must have been other bits with a favourable wind, but I didn't notice them!

2 minutes slower than last time but as usual, every ride I do is the first ride in ages. I was passed by one other rider going up the 'hill' from White Ladies. Anyone on here? It looked like he was on a nice steel bike. I tried to speed up but it wasn't happening!

That might have been the last ride on the faithful mountain bike. I think I just found some forks that will fit the Weigh that was damaged when that Mercedes pulled out on my all that time back. The Saracen will return to being my shopping and touring bike. Hell, I might even treat it to a wash.


The weather over the last three weekends wasn't very good, and the forecast for today wasn't great, but more promising, rain early, but starting to clear around eight, and no wind. I decided I would have a go at the February metric half, as I may not get another chance.

Out at quarter to seven in the rain, thinking that I will dry up as the rain clears, ha!

Out up Hatfield Bank, heading for Kinnersley, then Earl's Croome and Baughton, heading for Tewkesbury via Upper Strensham and Twyning. Daylight by quarter past seven, but no sign of the rain easing, and it was colder than expected.

Upon reaching Tewkesbury it was a left for Bredon, and then headed for Pershore via Eckington. From Pershore the usual Wadborough, Littleworth and Norton for home.

It finally stopped raining at half past nine, when I got home. 33.48 wet miles at 13.1 mph. February challenge ride in the bag, but can't say I enjoyed it.



I dressed for the forecast of showers and light breeze. Actual weather was dry and horrible, strong, gusty winds.
Last Autumn, I'd mentioned to some of the club members, who go out during the week, that we needed some new cafe stops out towards Lymm. And so today all 3 groups, via various routes went to the new destination of Grappenhall Walked Garden which was delightful and my slice of lemon cake was awesome. - I've really missed the cake stops whilst I have been off the bike.
I struggled today, my legs just don't have the miles in them at the moment, though I did do 40 miles and I'd not been on the bike for 3 weeks.


Legendary Member
My ride Saturday - so a bit late to post here but first chance I've had. Very windy - I'd normally skip cycling on days like this but its probably the only weekend in Feb I'd have time for a longer ride.

102Km - Blaby - Willoughby Waterlys - Ashby Magna - Dunton Bassett -Frolesworth - Claybrooke Parva -Mnks Kirby -Withybrook - Shilton -Brinklow - Easenhall - Pailton - Monks Kirby - Brinklow - Shilton - Pailton - Monks Kirby -Claybrooke Parva - Ullesthorpe - Gilmorton - Ashby Magna - Countersthorpe - Blaby

Most of the first 40K was into a headwind (~40mph) - including the joy of having to put a fair bit of effort into cycling downhill, of course it calmed down a lot for the way home but it was a bit easier with a 18mph tailwind.

Then back home to finish changing the drivetrain on my hybrid (new shifters, brake levers, chain, cassette, cleaned and serviced other bits - works fine! :smile: ) - though I did need to change the cable on the front shifter as I messed up the one that came with the shifters. A first for me - and note to self - there are good youtube videos on how it should be done - easily - of course I took the difficult route and took off the top cover - which meant I had to reassemble the optical indicator too....I have never had to change cables on these sort of shifters so that was new to me (there's a single screw you need to undo if you want to do it properly- albeit a bit hidden) - so now the gears work well on the hybrid. Managed a wet 11km run on Sunday too so not bad...


Not So Special One
North Yorkshire

A day off today so out on the Tricross just before lunch. A little nippy but a beautiful day. Still feeling sluggish and short of energy so a steady 20.5 miles with an average of 14.7 mph. Lovely ride.
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Legendary Member
The other day when I was cleaning my Trek road bike, I noticed that the steering felt a bit notchy. Today a took the headset out and cleaned it all up, greased and generally fettled until it as lovely and smooth again. I then went for a ride around the village to make sure everything was as it should be. Just the two mile test ride, nothing fell off and I didn't crash...which is always a bonus.
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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Lovely bright morning out there so off I went. Fairly standard run today which I haven't ridden for a wee while. I had the light drift of wind behind on the way south which helped keep things easily brisk. Some superb banks of snowdrops greeted my as I rode through the lanes. Occasionally there were a few crocus. Today's hills didn't seem too tough and up on Woolridge I was pleased to see that the Severn valley wasn't badly flooded despite the flooded and closed lane at Upton. The start of the run north along the Hams was populated by a nice flock of Lapwing. Riding north into the slight wind gradually took a bit of a toll. By the time I had jinked around the flood at Upton I was flagging a bit. Nevertheless I rode on steadily over the last few miles. Very enjoyable ride today to get the week's miles started. 47 smiles


Perhaps This One.....
A day off from decorating, and with a decent forecast I decided to go do the metric century for the month. Known roads out through Cobham and Effingham all the way up to Ranmore Common, the down Whitedown Lane (white knuckle ride...)before up and down an awful lot around the Surrey Hills. Leith Hill seemed easy, but the Ranmore Road climb out of Dorking was proper hard work, makes Box Hill look easy.
I paused a Anstie Farm for a Double Decker, off in the distance is Gatwick Airport
11 Feb 2019 Anstie Lane.jpg

Home with 66 miles done, and with 1468m of up-hilling managed to stay above the 20m/mile target. Poor bike is filthy now having seen some of the worst roads/lanes all in the name of Explorer square gathering (which was quite successful).


Legendary Member
A rare Winter outing for the Carbon, after work, necessitated by the Hybrid currently being off the road. @Rickshaw Phil examined it, last week, following the grinding noise from the rear disc brakes, to find the pad worn down to the metal, on one side and a seized calliper! New one is on order.

A slightly shorter than intended ride tonight, following the cycle paths to Heathgates and then alongside the River Severn, which has burst its banks again, onto the Towpath, meaning the flood gates are shut. This meant heading through Belvidere, down London Rd and back through the estate, instead of my normal intended route.

8.5 miles

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Two rides for me on what has been a busy and slightly mixed up day. After a bit of a lay-up over the last week due to a flu-like bug I was scheduled to do the finishing bit of work on a driveway project for a friend of a friend. We were all organised to start early then got told that the gravel wouldn't be delivered until late afternoon which brought things to a halt so after a conflab I headed out for a ride instead.

I headed over Lyth Hill, as I often do, over to Condover and in the direction of Ryton but turned off 1 junction earlier and headed for Wheathall and up to Berriewood instead before returning to Condover and taking the road to Cross Houses and Atcham. A brief detour through Attingham Park before heading for Upton Magna, Uffington and into Shrewsbury along Sundorne Road, Sydney Avenue and through town via Smithfield Road to the Welsh Bridge where I stopped to see how my brother is getting on with his new job. Then it was through the Quarry and out over the English Bridge heading through Belle Vue for home.

Considering that I haven't been out for a while I got on pretty well. The detour through Wheathall is one I haven't done in ages and made a nice change. I saw a recumbent trike near the turn for Boreton (an ICE Sprint I think) then barely saw a soul until Cross Houses. Attingham Park was surprisingly busy for the time of year.

I wasn't sure about using Sundorne Road but it was fine today and saved me from the mud on the old canal path. After Sydney Avenue the towpath was impassable due to flooding, hence ending up riding Smithfield road where I witnessed a real div of a driver dart round the back of a van that was trying to reverse into a awkward driveway.:wacko:

The rest of the trip back was much less eventful and I felt great at the end. I really needed that!:thumbsup:

26.3 miles at 13 mph average and a 27.1 max (think that was the descent from Berriewood to Condover)


Early in the ride - approaching Wheat Hall in the hamlet of Wheathall.


The river is quite high at the Atcham bridges.


Later on, by the weir in Shrewsbury.


Not a chance of using the towpath today.


Shrewsbury School and the school boathouse.

2nd ride: I'd not been back long and was having a bite of lunch when I got the call to say the gravel delivery had been brought forward to early afternoon and would I be up for trying to finish the job today after all?:eek: I said yes but could I have 20 minutes to finish my lunch and get the bike out again, so 20 minutes later C and I were headed the short distance to where the work was to take place and racing the delivery lorry to get there. We won.^_^

We got on better than expected and managed to finish the work in daylight but after shovelling two and a half tonnes of gravel I shall ache in the morning.

3.1 miles at 9.5 mph for the round trip.

As a bonus, the new caliper for @gavgav's bike came today so I'll be able to get that sorted later this week.
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