Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
Further to my Mallorca 312 ride of a couple of weeks ago I decided to buy a couple of photos taken on the day by the official photographers. I don't usually do this but they were only 7 euros each.
The first one is on the climb out of Soller up to Valdemossa and the second one is on the front at Palma with the cathedral in the background


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Set off early today to beat our longest ride ever, of 53.3miles

Tough going against the wind on the way out, didn't seem to get the full benefit on the way back.
Had to do a couple of laps in the of he local road to ensure we beat our previous record.

Did 54.1 in the end, not bad it took us till October last year to get to 53.

Legs are a bit sore tonigt, roll on next weeken



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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
What a lovely morning it was a 5.30am when the alarm went off... The sun was peeking through the clouds. The weather report was for a warm day. At that time of the morning the temperature gauge was reading 11degrees. Not bad at all. First long ride this year in shorts and ss shirt.

So, best get some brekkie down my neck and get out of the door to cycle the 15 miles to Meopham to meet up with @rb58 and LongMartin (no longer of this parish, but I know he still reads the board). We had an Audax to do. The Hop Garden 200K deep down in the Garden of England - Kent.

The weather stayed warm the whole day. I had splashed some factor 50 over my pale skin just in case the warm temperatures turned into blazing sunshine. Indeed, we did get some lovely sunshine.. and wind.. wind, wind and more wind. A couple of weeks ago we did the Oasts And Coasts Audax which took in the Romney Marshes from west to east. Taking in the prevailing winds.. 20 miles of sheer bliss. Today's Audax took us east to west which punished us with a brutal headwind. But we got our heads down, hands in the drops and pedaled for all that we were worth. It took a lot out of us. By the time we hit the control after the marshes, we were all pretty much bushed. We needed cake.. and lot's of it.. and tea.

The Audax organisers thought it would be hilarious to throw in Birling Hill at the 190k mark.. one mutha of a hill to end the ride with. There was nothing to do except to put it into low gear and just spin away.. it's one of those hills that seems never ending.

It didn't take long to get back to the finish after Birling.. and did my very best to eat my fill of savouries. 2 pasties and 2 sausage rolls.. oh yes and a handful of Jaffa Cakes and a Penguin bar.. oh yes a banana too...

Then it was another 15 miles back to home. A fine day cycling indeed.
I am liking this Audax lark...

So.. 163 miles for the day. With a fair few hills.. made harder by that pesky headwind.
My legs are certainly feeling it tonight and probrably even more on tomorrow mornings cycle commute to work.

Century #13 for 2015, 147 over all.
I'm bushed.
See you next week for the Great Escape 200K Audax from Look Mums...


@rb58 and Long Martin
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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Today a group of Glasgow Belles on Bikes were meant to set out to the Kelpies, stomping ground of @ScotiaLass.
Sadly the day started very wet, so we agreed online to postpone to a better day. Still, as the ride organizer, I had to go to the meeting point, just in case of somebody showing up. Melanie and @flyingfifi kindly offered to meet me so I wouldn't be all alone and soaking wet to boot, with the plan of going for a shorter ride if the weather eased off.
Indeed another Belle showed, the rain stopped, so we went for a meander along Kelvingrove park and the nearby Clyde and Forth canal path.
The fountain at Kelvingrove park, popular meeting point:
Fountain (640x407).jpg
After wasting time chitchatting, as Belles tend to do on a ride ^_^ also exploring nearby paths for future rides, the rain seemed to stay off, but it was getting a bit late in the day for the original ride, we decide to go to the Campsies instead, those are local hills swarming with "real cyclist" on a sunny day. We were planning to go to the visitor's cafe at the bottom of said hills :whistle:
Picture of the Campsies in the mist and drizzle, you can actually ride (or drive) to the top if you are so inclined. Maybe one day? :huh: :laugh:
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There were obstacles along the route: time for plan B - lucky @flyingfifi knew of an alternative route, a local property owner had decided a tree in his garden, just above the path, had to go. The tree fellers promised us the way would be clear for our return, that meant we could take the scenic route back after lunch.
2015-05-10 11.51.07 (640x427).jpg Fiona and Mel.jpg
Our destination is not only a cafe, also a locally well known bike shop
Wheelcraft (2).jpg
We were slightly wet at this point, a nice lunch and a coffee restored us, because, well, even to get to the bottom of hills in Scotland you must ride up some hills first :laugh:
The return was a bit dryer, we got head wind instead ...
Parting with Mel on the outskirts of town - 3 quite muddy ladies on 3 very muddy bikes! - I decided to ride with @flyingfifi for a bit, she lives 4 villages after mine. I wanted to know her route, but sadly she is a bit faster than me (not hard, eh eh!) and it was getting wet again, did not want to hamper her swift progress home before the storm, we said bye.
It was a good ride in great company.
Not the 70 something miles we planned originally, 45 for me, well over 50 for @flyingfifi so not too shabby either.
Along the canal, Mel and I got to see Fiona riding no handed while jogging on the bike.
I got "bike technique" envy! :laugh:


Über Member
Having completed my fourth metric century on Monday, today I completed my fifth. Same route, but 10 minutes slower likely due to the wind being much worse on the first 20 miles than last week. And still painful on the final climb, although completed it in two this time not three.

I really should practise 100KM with a flat ending as until the climb it hurts, but feels doable, the climb is just entirely demoralising!

62.9 miles, 4hr 7 minutes moving, 2746ft elevation.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
14.6 miles my distance this day, no flats, no rain. A very fine day for a bike ride, with moderate temperatures in the 70's F and some sunshine. Many cyclists and runners, though Uptown Normal and University itself quite deserted (graduation yesterday).
Here is my Fuji(again,) at In Exchange on campus. Fuji%20also%20at%20Stevenson%20Hall_edited-1_zpso20m7lls.jpg


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Perhaps This One.....
Started to fester again this morning, so decided to go exploring. I'd spotted a public footpath a while back at the bottom of Prune Hill, and despite much Google mapping I couldn't work out where it went.
Off on the trusty CX, and once on said path I found myself having to revive old skills to cross a couple of bridges made with railway sleepers before dodging the dogs on a walk. After finding a Private-No Entry sign I retraced my steps and found the proper route, and an obstacle.
11 May 2015 Prune Hill Offroad 1.jpg

Can't say I 'hopped' over it, more threw the bike over then clambered myself:laugh: @Dave 123 note the 'bike shot' just for you:okay:
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the path went rather uphill from here, and once I'd lost traction after pulling wheelies I decided to walk for a bit. No great shakes as it was so peaceful, quite enjoyed it. Once back on more level ground I stopped for another photo, looking forwards
11 May 2015 Prune Hill Offroad Forwards.jpg

And looking back at where I'd just been
11 May 2015 Prune Hill Offroad Back.jpg

At this point I discovered the back tyre was looking a bit soft, so first time off the bike for the Topeak Road Morph which works well. The path popped out at the pub on Callow Hill, and tyre looked sad again. I'd only gone a few miles but really didn't want to do a roadside change, so opted for the ride home, pausing briefly to put some air in. a Massive 6 miles, average speed don't ask, but I was out for an hour:whistle:
Back home, fed, watered, and offending thorn removed from tyre. I've just remembered another footpath sign that needs investigating, maybe later this week..


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Yesterdays ride, as usual, posted today..

Only a chance for a shortish ride yesterday due to a late finish on Saturday night/Sunday morning.. <yawn>.
All I was out for was to stretch my legs a bit before they seize up from lack of use!

Just a nice ride through a few lanes and bridleways via Cogenhoe and Sywell.

At the start of the ride, I went through the old ruined house and spied a dog walking couple chatting to two police fellows on moto-cross bikes (they use these to chase the local scrotery around the alleyways and estates.) It appears that plod might have been warning them off the place as it's deemed o be 'private'. The woman said, as I rode past, "Look, there's a cyclist about to be arrested as well". I neither bothered to look, or stop, but replied "Such is life".
I did expect to be involved in a Hot Pursuit, but they didn't bother with me at all.


The old packhorse bridge that crosses one of the Nene tributaries. The track to here is passable at the moment, but already the nettles are sharpening their teeth in readiness for idiots trying to cycle through their in shorts :whistle:


On the way back along Talevera Way, a fly flew up my right nostril and started off down my throat, but I trapped it in a ball of phlegm and spat it out.. That'll learn it!! :laugh:

Home on 21 miles with just in time to wipe the bike down, have a shower and grab some lunch before w*rk.. Boooo...



World class procrastinator
Meeting Hubs from the hospital ride again today.
I rode off through the slightly different cycle path route at Bowthorpe as they are digging up the usual route and I can't squeeze past a JCB with my bum. It's all fenced off that path and we've been diverted. From there to Bawburgh, up Stocks Hill - without going in to granny gear, which is a first. I was all small ring but somewhere in the middle rear cog so I was a bit chuffed with myself. I doglegged over to the Melton Road, and up through Little Melton into the headwind which took me by surprise as that's the first time I'd noticed it today, turning to Hethersett at Great Melton and then fancied a bit of a change. Normally I head left and go to the hospital but figured I had a few extra minutes (who cares about time anyway, the sun was shining and I was having fun).
I turned right instead, up to the Ketteringham turn off and rode to Ketteringham, taking the East Carleton turning but not going to E.C today. I went straight at the cross roads and on towards the horrible A47/A11 junction, up the hill and onto that wee bit of pavement before hopping off my bike to push it up the steps at the foot bridge (see below).


Once over, I was back on the bike and heading the usual route to the hospital. I looked at the time towards the last bit of Roundhouse Way and saw that I had a minute to get to the layby to beat the hour. At this moment Brilliant Room - Eric Johnson came on my iPod and I could feel my leg cadence pick up all by itself. Great track. Moved a couple of gears and went for it. Approaching the roundabout at 28mph, there were cars and I yelled "no no no" to nobody in particular and the traffic cleared and I bombed round to the left and to the layby.
14.1 miles in 59:59 (point 25).


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Did a 41 miler yesterday morning, had a close call with a Yellowhammer nearly flying into my front wheel. I swerved just in time, little blighter!
Stopped at Bonhams the auctioneers for my final swig of water from my bottle.
A stunning Jaguar Mk2 3.8 was parked, it was a beauty, looked like new. Also a white Lamborghini Countach which looked stunning too.


The Glue that binds us together.
Just a little leg spinner today, After the weekend ride i thought i might take it a bit easy, so a little 24 miles around Enfield and Potters Bar, Stopped of at Rochfords cycles as i had forgotten my water bottle, Was good to catch up with Daren for a little chat, Then of again finishing at Lepeloton cycles for a really nice Cappuccino and more chatting, really nice way to spend the afternoon.:okay:


World class procrastinator
Did a 41 miler yesterday morning, had a close call with a Yellowhammer nearly flying into my front wheel. I swerved just in time, little blighter!
Stopped at Bonhams the auctioneers for my final swig of water from my bottle.
A stunning Jaguar Mk2 3.8 was parked, it was a beauty, looked like new. Also a white Lamborghini Countach which looked stunning too.
The Countach was a dreadful car. Very pretty but a pig to drive :sad:
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