I was cursing this morning, bright blue skies, not a cloud insight and could I go out for a trike ride? nope...
So after seeing my new consultant and sorting life out - it officially stops on this thread again in 2 weeks time

I spotted an opportunity to get a ride in between my parents arriving and me getting home again... so I took it and took my lunch with me and set off right out of the end of my lane to see if I could actually manage the short sharp climb up to the lights. And there started an really strange day with the first of the cyclists who wouldn't say hello to me. Really odd. Overtook me and wouldn't say hello, but then none of the others did today either - really odd.
Off down the rat run, a rural B road that is used as a race track during rush hour and school run time and worth avoiding, but I was well outside of those times, however it didn't stop some idiot nearly running the oncoming vehicle off the road whilst overtaking me!
One of the little rural roads, with the Pennines in the distance.
Then on to familiar territory - the Whitegate Way and some wild garlic or Ransoms.
It has turned green since I was last here!
Almost my first Pink Campion this spring. Not the best shot in the world, but I find it difficult to stand still enough to take macro style shots now and there was nothing handy to hold on to!
The view behind at my chosen lunch spot!
And in front... I had actually planned to have lunch at the mere, but the bench was in use and whilst I had no plans to use the bench, I had planned to use the area to the side of it to sit in the sun on my trike and eat lunch out away from the house - the first time I have done so in over 6 months!
And my trike. I have 2 weeks more use of her and then I am off her for a while. I don't know how long for at the moment, but all I can do is make the most of the next 2 weeks irrespective of the weather. But I won't be able to get out tomorrow I don't think, unless I get lucky and can work out how to take a packed lunch with me. I think that is something I am going to have to work on.
So just the 11.4 miles squeezed in between a consultants appointment and my parents visiting, but not long after taking that photo, someone turned down the dimmer switch on the sun and it went cold and well, dull. The weather front arrived.
https://www.strava.com/activities/293533047 8.7mph!