Having already missed out on ColinJ's forum ride last week I didn't want to pull out of another one so despite the very unappealing forecast got myself and the knockabout bike out for
@nickyboy's ride to Llandudno yesterday.
Having looked at the proposed route when it was announced it occured to me that if I rode from home and joined at the Eureka Cafe lunch stop (northwest of Chester) the mileage would be quite similar to starting with the main group. It would also fulfil an ambition to ride from home to Chester (and would mean a less early start as I wouldn't have to rush to get myself and bike to Manchester Piccadilly for 9am

My route started on familiar roads up to Ellesmere before heading up the A528 then onto the lanes through Holly Bush, Worthenbury, Shocklach, and up to Farndon. From here I turned west then north through Rossett, Pulford, Belgrave and Eccleston which brought me into Chester by a quieter and more picturesque way.
The trip to Chester was pretty straightforward apart from a couple of missed junctions which added distance I hadn't intended. The south-westerly wind helped more than hindering, so I was able to move along briskly if not fast and the couple of showers I passed through weren't bad enough to consider putting on waterproofs. There were stops for flapjack at Ellesmere and at Farndon plus quite a few more for checking the map.
I'd made good time to Chester but then it all went a bit wrong as I tried to negotiate my way on the quiet route I'd planned to the Eureka Cafe. I'd printed out a cycling map of Chester beforethe ride so had something to refer to but even so found it confusing as the map isn't entirely clear about where the paths connect and the signage ranges from excellent to absent.
I found my way in the end, getting on to the greenway, and off at the right place in Blacon, heading for Saughall. This had all taken much more time than expected and I was now worried I'd be late at the cafe and holding everyone else up. A sudden deluge while riding through Saughall didn't help the mood and finding the main street closed due to resurfacing (and a rotten, lumpy job they were making of it

) was the icing on the cake.
The cafe (60.4 miles) was reached to find the few people who were due to start there but not the main body of the ride which we later found had been held up by
@Cubist's crash.
The chance was taken to chat and eat then the other riders eventually started to arrive substantially later than intended.
We realised that it was unlikely that we'd make it to Fish Tram Chips before closing time (our target for the end of the ride) so a group of us including
@rich p,
@mike3121 and
@Origamist set out (others had already made a start)
Using the knockabout bike and having already done 60 miles I was a little worried about keeping up so was pleased to find the legs still feeling pretty good and that the pace of the group was comfortable. None of us had a GPS programmed with the route so we were winging it a bit however the signage for route 5 was fairly good, although we'd have missed one junction if I hadn't remembered it from the ride notes.
As we were joining the main roads again a group of cyclists appeared from our right - these being the rest of the group who'd obviously taken a more direct way to catch up. We tagged on to the group and were on our way down the A548 which as was stated in the ride notes isn't particularly scenic but does take us the right way.
Not much to say about this section other than the traffic behaved and we had the first signs of fatigue as a couple of riders dropped back. By the time we got to the turn for Talacre we were missing a few people. Here Nick was getting a little frustrated that he was the only one with a working GPS and ended up having to lead to make sure we headed the right way on the paths. Now we were off the main road the riding was great. It was possible to chat a bit more and enjoy riding through the dunes...... and the rain.
Somewhere along here
@I like Skol picked up a puncture and stopped to fix it saying he'd catch up when we stopped at the cafe in Rhyl.
At Prestatyn the path turned towards the sea and along the front. There is a really wide smooth promenade as part of the sea defences which made for good riding and would have been even better had it not been wet and cold. The sand needed a bit of care though. Best not to ride through it if possible - my front wheel washed out on one patch and I'm not quite sure how I kept it upright.
At Rhyl we lost a couple more riders, found the cafe was closed and had to take a detour because the sand across the path was too deep to ride.
The coastal path is generally about as flat as anyone could wish but on the next section there are a couple of hills which are short and sharp. The knockabout bike is nicely low geared but not everyone elses is so there was some pushing involved. By the time we got to the last of these I was definitely running out of energy so it was nice to drop into Llandudno at last.
The cloud bank was finally moving away by this point so we saw Llandudno promenade in a nice evening sunshine. The place has been smartened up quite a bit since I was last here (a few years ago now) and seems very appealing. I will come back and visit again.
Getting up the final climb to the tramway station, the chippy had stayed open an hour later than normal especially for us. I can't express how much that was appreciated and the fact the food was really good just finished the ride nicely.
While waiting to be served there was a crash and I turned to see
@mike3121 lying on his back with the bike waving in the air. All that way and he suffered a crash on the last hill. (There was an impressive bit of grazing but I understand no serious injury)
A great day out despite what the weather threw at us (to give an idea of how cold it went in the afternoon, there was a fresh dusting of snow on the hills just inland ).
106.9 miles for the day at 12.7 mph average.
A good display of blossom while leaving Shrewsbury
Taking a break by The Mere at Ellesmere.
Looking towards Wales from somewhere near Shocklach. The showers are starting to gather.
Getting wet in Chester..........
.........but it didn't last long. The knockabout bike by Grosvenor Bridge.
Well met at Eureka.
@mike3121 and
Escaping into the dunes after a long stretch on the A road.
Lovely weather on the prom at Prestatyn.

Well surfaced coastal path and our goal is in sight

(even if it is a long way off still).
Again, a thankyou to Fish Tram Chips for staying open late to feed us.

Very nice it was too.