Your ride today....

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Junior Walker and the Allstars
Direct uploading of pics to the post works for me on my MacBook Pro.

In other words, drag jpegs onto desktop, click Upload a File in the post composition box.

That should open a Finder window, highlight the jpeg, click open at the bottom of the finder window, and the pic should upload via a progress bar at the bottom of the post composition screen.

You will then have a choice to post thumbnail or full image.

I think that's easier than messing around with photo sharing software, although @topcat1 is good at that because it allows him to link to the lots of pics he takes on Fridays rides.

The direct uploading method I described is, I believe, limited to 10 pics.
Hello @Pale Rider. Thank you for the reply. Tried all of that in the past, following advice from others. The @topcat1 method has worked for me (once), but that isn’t what I want to do. All I want is to share the odd photo of stuff I’ve done on a ride with others reading this thread. Like everyone else seems to be able to do.


Perhaps This One.....
Plans of a solo outing got put aside this morning as I pedalled to Shepperton with my lad to get some ski equipment for a school trip. At least an opportunity to test the new to me Garmin 810. Rather frustratingly it decided to stop the ride while in the shop, then shut down. Back to Staines and it deleted the ride entirely!!
RTFM I think, and a ride out tonight seems to have solved the issue.
28 miles done all told today, off square hunting in the morning.


Today i have a confession i was supposed to be in doing some overtime. Today however i woke up and it was such a nice morning i said stuff that and got the bike out. Through Lunanhead then turned off onto a road that would take me to the Montrose road . Bit of a slog on the rise but with Dave Grohl singing in my ears i made it up to the Letham crossroads. Headed up the hill towards Turin House then turned up by Pitkennedy. Then a cheeky run past various Farms and onto the Aldbar hill past Crooks Hill. Then it was along the Burghill and home. 14.5 MTB miles today and totally the correct choice for my minds health today . Oh and the overtime ? Well we will deal with the tears and snotters about my non apperance on Monday ......ride safe everyone ....weekends are for riding bikes :okay:

I big thumbs up for patching work for a ride, good choice sir. :okay:
A fourth annual outing with @rb58 , @Trickedem , @Mark Grant , @ianrauk , and postie Mark of this parish from Doncaster to London. That was my intention, anyhow.
It was a slightly chilly night as we rolled out of the forecourt of Doncaster's art deco train station at midnight, and the 42 miles to the first refreshment stop of the evening at the 24 hr Tesco in Lincoln was covered in 2 and a quarter hours.
The usual photo stops along the old railway station at Stixwould, at New York (the village, not the City), and the leaning tower of Surfleet were done (would post photos, but see the ANGRY ps at the end of this post), and the second stop at Spalding was reached after a chain failure on my part.
At this point with a lot of regret, I decided to bail. Im confident I would have completed the 200 miles to Liverpool Street, but not at the pace that was being set - I'm showing 15.2mph for the 93+ miles to Spalding. We were already 1½ hours later than last year at that point, and I really didn't want to be holding the team up for a possible arrival in London at 6:30 to 7-ish, when all had big onward journeys home.
Sorry guys, but it was the best decision all round for everyone and THANK YOU for what is always a great ride. 103 miles for the day for me, in total.

p.s. Photos - I've been a member of CC for nearly 9 years and I have tried repeatedly and failed every time to post photos to posts. I've followed all the instructions that various people have given me. I can never get them to appear - the nearest I get is as above.
Sorry, do I sound cross?
CB 103 miles well done wish I could do that. Sounds to me you were riding with the big league if Ian was included as he amazes me in the distances he rides so frequently.


Junior Walker and the Allstars
CB 103 miles well done wish I could do that. Sounds to me you were riding with the big league if Ian was included as he amazes me in the distances he rides so frequently.
@ianrauk is a total asset on these big rides. Despite being an awesome rider himself, he is always willing to help out less strong riders. I include myself on that, as he helped me out here and there today, and in the past.


Silencing his legs regularly
Didn't get out last weekend- too bloomin' windy- but a fortnight after the Pompey-London-Brighton-Pompey epic, back on the road for century number eleven of the year. The Honda is still at the menders (three weeks now...) but there was a chance it could be ready today (didn't happen, ho hum). So, rather than wait around all day and wish I'd got out, or be unable to pick the scoot up till Tuesday, I got out early doors. Alarm at 5.30, rolling at 6.16. Extremely quiet roads, and the joy of being able to ride around the usually frenetic Portsbridge Roundabout. Early rapid (for me) pace flagged somewhat in the face of a slight headwind and lots of climbing, but still over 12 mph rolling most of my way NW, as I folllowed a route I (purely metaphorically) could ride blindfolded, through Denmead and Hambledon to Alresford, then a string of villages (Northington, Swarraton, East Stratton, West Stratton) to Whitchurch. From there, I generally either turn back whence I came, or head east via Overton, occasionally SW to Andover, usually after a sandwich meal deal for lunch. Today though, onward NW to Hurstbourne Tarrant and the splendid Tea Cosy, which I reached just after 10.30. Unprepossessing location (a former petrol station forecourt on the A343, with Londis store and used car dealer out front, small business units its neighbours behind), and not cheap (but then most cafes aren't these days), but it's very popular, justly so. Nice shop, friendly staff, good food. And the cakes. Oh, the cakes....So, every now and then, I go for a treat. Generous pot of tea, a spicy meatball panini. And could I resist the cake selection? You'll be questioning the Pontiff's religion next (and in any case, there was no Soreen in the pannier, and I always err on the side of caution RE my calorific intake). A lump of rocky road set me up nicely for leg two.

Despite being on the Litespeed (tamer of British rural roads par excellence) I decided I'd had enough of lanes- or those lanes at least- and to head west on the A343 to Andover. About two minutes later I was glad of going for that rocky road as I burnt a fair chunk of it on a 14% climb, fortunately the last climb of that magnitude, at least for a while. Excellent turn of speed as I headed south (13.5 mph overall average at one point!), and roads were still fairly quiet. Even a short stretch on the A303 wasn't that bad (should have gone into Andover town centre and picked up the intended road south from there, never mind), and with a helpful tailwind I was bombing along anyway- 15-20 mph most of the time on that stretch. And much less potholes and grot than the lanes earlier on. Off the 303, onto the A3057, down to Stockbridge and then on to Romsey. From there, onto the A27, for only the eleventh time this week (it's on my commute routes), and followed that all the way back to Pompey. Back home at a quarter to four, 100.7 miles (plus a very small section I didn't record) done and dusted.
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Silencing his legs regularly
@ianrauk is a total asset on these big rides. Despite being an awesome rider himself, he is always willing to help out less strong riders. I include myself on that, as he helped me out here and there today, and in the past.
+1 to that. Wouldn't have got to the mileages and (OK, slow by his standards) speeds I've done over the past few years without the likes of his good self to ride with and learn from.


Bexley, Kent
Direct uploading of pics to the post works for me on my MacBook Pro.

In other words, drag jpegs onto desktop, click Upload a File in the post composition box.

That should open a Finder window, highlight the jpeg, click open at the bottom of the finder window, and the pic should upload via a progress bar at the bottom of the post composition screen.

You will then have a choice to post thumbnail or full image.

I think that's easier than messing around with photo sharing software, although @topcat1 is good at that because it allows him to link to the lots of pics he takes on Fridays rides.

The direct uploading method I described is, I believe, limited to 10 pics.
This works for me too. Also a Mac user.


Bexley, Kent
A fourth annual outing with @rb58 , @Trickedem , @Mark Grant , @ianrauk Im confident I would have completed the 200 miles to Liverpool Street, but not at the pace that was being set - I'm showing 15.2mph for the 93+ miles to Spalding. We were already 1½ hours later than last year at that point, and I really didn't want to be holding the team up for a possible arrival in London at 6:30 to 7-ish, when all had big onward journeys home.
Sorry guys, but it was the best decision all round for everyone and THANK YOU for what is always a great ride. 103 miles for the day for me, in total.
Odd isn't it Charlie. I did feel like we were pushing the pace, but can't figure out why we were so far off the 2017 time on arrival at Spalding. I know we had young legs pulling us along in 2017 (cheers @iLB ) and a nice tail wind as well, but, even so...... I wonder whether we dwelled too long at the Lincoln Tesco? Although some would say, five minutes is five minutes too long at Lincoln Tesco!

We made it to London Bridge at around 5.30pm, so about the same as previous editions, give or take 30 minutes or so.

Good riding with you as always Charlie. There's going to be a change of plan for 2019 - will be in touch about that next year.


Un rouleur infatigable
Spurred on to do better than my Thursday ride I tried the same route again (but without the utility stops). Needed a couple of loops of the lake at Rother Valley to make up the mileage over 50 km for extra challenge points.

Bike: Carrera Vengeance MTB with Schwalbe Landcruiser Plus tyres
Distance: 33.08 miles / 53.23 km
Average Speed: 11.25 mph / 18.10 kph
Max. Speed: 28.18 mph / 45.35 kph
Ascent: 341 feet / 104 metres
Descent: 364 feet / 111 metres

Did much better today. Not as tired, quicker average speed although not as much climbing as Thursday. Set off at 5:20 AM and got back for 8:15 AM. Pleased with myself. :becool:


Perhaps This One.....
I've had a niggly Explorer square which has been proving difficult to get, since it's in the middle of an MOD firing range:gun: I figured an early start and I may get their before the action starts, so out at 0600hrs and headed straight for Pirbright some 16 miles away. The square I was after is off the beaten track, and only accessible via a (according to OSM) path from a sideroad. I arrived at said 'road' to me met with the first set of warnings...
24 June 2018 Blow You Up.jpg

I figured I'd stay on the path, which I found just around the corner having subjected the Van Nic to terrain better suited to MTB's. A pleasant hundred yards through a few trees and I'm nearly there. Beyond the gate is my missing square!!
24 June 2018 Gate Of Death.jpg

The sign under the handlebars advises the gate is locked at 0745hrs on firing days, and I was way earlier than that. The flagpole to the right had no red flag showing, so I ventured forth into some wonderful views. A little sandy under the tyres made for interesting riding, but we survived intact:smile:
Onwards through Aldershot, pausing as I heard before seeing this hot air balloon, nice day for it
24 June 2018 Hot Air Ballon.jpg

Back home through Guildford on the A25, not a route I'd pick later in the day or during the week, but quiet when I went through.
Home after 53 miles just as it started warming up.
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