legs were feeling leady this morning

after wed ride but as the weather is about to change tomorrow I talked them into it,.....took me a while to make my mind up for a destination then settled on Northallerton as it poss where the Darlington 50 mile ride will be going in may

I picked up the route at Neasham via GT Stainton -Sadberge-Middleton st George...only to be faced with a road closed sign

two cars came down so onward I went

after crossing the river tees at low dinsdale a cyclist appeared .... he told me that they were resurfacing the road and I could get past but needed to walk on the verge

the workmen were fine but warned me to say off is it was still fresh and very hot(its like a snooker table)

... as I just left Northallerton I noticed my front tyre was soft

the p***ture fairy got me ...at scorton had a quick refuel stop (bad lad)

just before Moulton
I avoided Darlington and went via cockerton green where I also like to stop before heading up the back road to Heighington
think its been warm today

great to see kids outside and not on putters

I tried to go past archers ice cream place ... but the bike just took control

(raspberry pavlova)
I did save some from the wild life

longest ride this year 64 miles
