I wasn't sure I would ride again today having ridden for 4 straight days without a break, but another clear sky and sunny morning tempted to me to go out and take it easy. Like **** I did...
I was out slightly earlier than normal which had the chance to catch the tail end of the rush hour traffic but everything was OK.
I'll be cycling past those houses very shortly.
I need to stop and remove my warmer layer before 9am this morning and was with S/S from then onwards. I expected to be chilly on the downhill sections but wasn't.
A nice fast downhill, but there is a 90 degree bend at the bottom and it is single track for little room for error, oh and it is a blind bend as well

but you can get some speed up on the descent.
Does my train look big on this bridge?

At least the colours match!
I should have been paying attention to the fact that normally there is a brown horse in this field as well. Today there was not and further down the lane I was to meet it whilst I was taking a bend fast

and its rider wasn't paying any attention whatsoever. She was busy texting someone... luckily the horse didn't spook. As it was I had to politely call out 'Morning' to her to get her attention. I wanted a little more than 1 foot of space between me and her horse which was all I would have had when we were less than 3 metres away from each other had I not have gotten her attention. Her horse was plodding up the middle of a narrow 6 foot wide lane... recumbent trikes and horses are an unknown entity. So far most have taken the trike well, but were/are clearly curious, but 1 or 2 have spooked and not been happy.
Further on and someone's lobelia is now coming into full flower. OK, I've just realised as I typed this, it is not lobelia, what is it? I can't remember what it is called.... crap this morphine messes with your head!
And today's final photo... A field full of dandelions. I love them (when they are in someone's garden/field) and would really love to pick this lot to make some dandelion cordial. Lets just ignore the fact I can't walk, can't bend over and don't know who owns the field. That makes life boring!
Not much happened after that, other than 3 yellowhammers darting out of a hedge in front of me, numerous house martins and swallows. I think I had a couple of swifts as well, plus a flock of starlings (I'm assuming starlings because of the way they were flocking and the shear numbers a couple of hundred at least) over my house when I got home!
Finally, why the "take it easy. Like **** I did..." comment. Well for the first time on this 16.7 mile route, I made it home in under 2 hours. 1hr 57min making my average 8.5mph! My best yet.