My ride today, posted today. A novelty for me, I know!
After a midnight finish from w*rk, and bed by 01:30 ish, I'd set my alarm for 06:30... and 06:45.. with snooze..
Surprisingly, I got up! The Defy2 had been prepped, and all lights and stuff charged and ready to go, so after some porage and tea, I left at 07:30 into the freezing mist.
I had a 100 km route planned in my mind, and pretty well stuck to it. Past Salcey Forest, Towcester, thence to Daventry via Newnham Hill, and home via Long Buckby, Ravensthorpe and Brixworth.
The mist turned to ice on my leggings.I was pleased that I popped my to cosy's on as it was definitely a bit nippy for the first hour !
The entrance to Towcester Racecourse is quite impressive. One day I'll have to go there and lose some £££ on the Gee Gee's
Northwards on the A5, I crossed the new roundabout complex with the A43. I'd hate to ride it during busy time, but on a Sunday it was OK.
I was now on new roads for me. Greens Norton and Blakesley are lovely old villages, and with a road closure, I 'found' Adstone as well as I looked for the way to Preston Capes.
Needing to recharge my body in readiness for Newnham Hill, having expended some energy on the previous hills, I stopped for a banana and a Mars Bar about 3 miles from the climb. It's only just over a mile, but it steps up on the final bend just before the summit as the thighs are burning. Nice climb, but I was a tad miffed that amongst our bunch, I was 15 seconds behind first place... Grrrr! Still, not bad for an old fart.
Once the decent into Daventry had been done, not mega fast on the damp roads, I rode through the town centre and up the A361 towards Kilsby. Not a nice road to ride to be honest, but it got me to the side road to Ashby St Ledgers.
This is where Guy Fawkes hatched the Gunpowder Plot all those years ago. Some say that we need him back for another attempt!
From Ashby St Ledgers, the road homewards was a bit of up and down hill. Unfortunately, the best 'down' had temporary traffic lights on it, and they were on red

Needing 15 miles for my 100km ride, I checked mileages, (mixed thingies, I know) and I was coming up 5 miles, 8 km, short, so I thought a visit to Scotch Farm cafe in Mears Ashby was in order.
Nought wrong with a sausage roll and a cuppa, eh?!
Back home on 64 lumpy miles, chilly, but happy..