Day two... from

Ride One was back through Hope to Castleton where our plan was for a shorter circuit than Day one. As it happened, it was even shorter than we'd expected!
The entrance to Cave Dale is hidden up a back street between a couple of cottages. I knew by to OS map that it was steep, but BLIMEY!! it was steep, rocky and with a frozen stream running down it
There are several cave entrances along the side walls, and a caged off entrance on the right wall where you can feel the subterranean heat and hear the underground river roaring through. Spooky!
Still, onwards we climbed, pushed, and occasionally carried, our bikes, with about 500' of Up in the first mile, then a bit more once we turned onto a farm track/bridleway.
Luckily, I had a bit of tread on the tyres..
Once back down into the valley, we rode along Rushup Edge to access the Pennine Way bridleway down Roych Clough.
Here, our ride went slightly wrong. First, the front wheel hit a rock just after I landed after a small drop-off, and went straight over the handlebars. No damage done to me, or the bike, fortunately, just a bit mucky and shook up!
Still, after a few minutes breather, we set off again, taking a bit more care
I reached the bottom of the clough first, which is unusual.
Then my mate turned up and I saw why. His S-Works seat post had snapped! There was nothing we could do with it apart from bash the split together a bit with a handy rock, and wrap loads of Gorilla tape around it to hopefully hold it slightly more together.
At this point, we decided that discretion was the better part of valour and we decided to turn back. Riding any further into the wilds, with snow heading our way, would have been dangerous. Kinder Scout and Mam Tor will have to wait for another day!! No point in being silly about it, much as we wanted to get the ride done.
We got back up the hill to Rushup Edge, and used tarmac back towards Castleton.
We did make a quick diversion via the old closed road under Mam Tor to play on the landslide for a while..
A Cherry Bakewell Pudding ice cream to celebrate our trip..
With a final whoop down the hill into the village, we finished the ride on 13 miles with over 1000' of climbing in similar temperature as yesterday, -2 to -3c
Happy days
Codicil: I suggested to Dev that he contact Specialized re the seat-post. He did, and the told him to take it back to the shop and it will be replaced FOC as it's guaranteed for 2 years