Usual ride over to my parents for some hard labour in the garden...

Nowt much to report, but given they go on holiday tomorrow for a week, I hadn't planned to go back that way (note past tense - my mother wants me to water her garden whilst she is away!) so thought I would take the opportunity to get some pictures of a lovely white flowering cherry tree that is in full bloom at the moment and it is very heavily laden as well. My camera had other ideas though - it started flashing up low battery (showing the 1/3rd full line) last week and I was seeing how long it lasted. Not very long as it turns out... so the pictures...
My clean (yep its a red bike!) bike after yesterday's fettlin' to resolve the STI lever shifting problem.
My bike & the tree, but I really didn't do it any justice at all... sadly most the blossom will be gone by the time I next plan to pass the tree.
And a close-up for good measure - probably the best shot - the camera battery failed at this point, informing I must replace the battery...
Not a particularly fast ride, but I was taking it easy with my asthma playing up all night and most of this morning and then I did rather a lot of heavy lifting this afternoon, so tired on the way home. might get a leisure ride in tomorrow if the weather holds out...