In similar fashion to @
HLaB , this morning I woke with a less than happy tum, and the desire to be more than 30 seconds from the bathroom was not strong

Faced with the choice of a) Playing safe and putting feet up in front of telly, or b) Going out for a pedal, I did the logical thing and donned the lycra

Thankfully things calmed down quickly, and I pedalled off to school to drop of my girls PE kit, whereupon I had my first clipless moment, falling in a not too flash fashion into a bush by the school gate. Thankfully it was past drop off time so not witnesses, and no more than a bruised ego

My aim today was the RSPCA Centre at Milbrook, but once I reached Chobham I realised I was a little too early, by over an hour, so changed plans and headed to Sunningdale. Quick burst down the A30 and A329 saw me into the Blacknest Gate entrance of, perhaps not surprisingly, The Royal Landscape. A quick stop by Johnson's Pond, and an example of some of the terrible scenery I have to cycle through
Quick run past the Polo Club and Smiths Lawn before rolling down to Obelisk Lawn for the coffee stop. There were 3 or 4 groups of 'Belles on bikes' today, perhaps @
Pat "5mph" was on tour

Reverse of my usual direction round Deer Park, including a 3 minute break to watch this fella, one of those moments when I wish I had my 'proper' camera instead of using the phone
From here it was pretty much a straight run home. Great ride, 28.5 miles, started in fog, finished in glorious sunshine, and my first ride this year where I was able to ride with no gloves on (for the last bit anyway).