Playing catchup here, due to 'IT issues'.
Following a nice rest day yesterday, I aimed high with the plan being a repeat of a ride from last year with some chaps from work, and also to beat my longest ride since getting back on the saddle in early 2012. About 2 weeks before being hospitalised in July last year, I did a 42 mile pedal, so my target was to beat that. Given my physical fitness is a way off where it was then, I wanted a flat route, so headed out through Staines along the Thames. The towpath is passable now, and after a few miles the first signs of the after effects of the recent flooding
There's an awful lot of detritus in the river, and the authorities were clearing it at Chertsey weir. The pic above and below are further upstream at Penton Hook Weir.
More ambling along the towpath, deliberately limiting myself to around 10 - 12 mph as I was conscious of what I was trying to achieve. Once over Chertsey Bridge and across the Meads I had a quick look to see if the Chertsey BMX track was still there. It was, and I was very tempted to do a lap, but a couple of watchers made me rather self conscious (37 year old bloke on a hybrid on a BMX track, hmmmm

From here headed up through New Haw and joined the Wey Navigation. The towpath is in decent shape given all the rain, and it was nice to get away from the roads
Only a short while later and the route passes under the M3 (I think), and you chose between the Wey Navigation straight on, or the Basingstoke Canal over the bridge.
The towpath alongside the Basingstoke Canal was re-surfaced a few years back, and it an excellent, smooth surface, plenty good enough for a road bike on 23c tyres, though today I was 'roughing it' on the hybrid. Certainly not a route you'd want to do at the weekend due to walkers, but today it was relatively quiet with only a few dog walkers and shoppers, the bell being used rarely. Most amusing moment approaching a group of 4 'older' gents from behind, all togged up in decent walking gear, I pinging away on the bell to no avail. Last minute one of them spots me and taps the rest of the group to move aside. "They're all deaf" he chuckled as I bode them a good day, later seeing them again on my return trip, this time going towards them so much easier

. Went as far as St Johns before re-tracing my steps back along the canal, stopping to take a pic of this
Looks like a pump of some kind?
So, followed the same route back to Staines, finding that I'd done a mere 31 miles

Righty ho, along the Thames to Runnymede, stopping to lift the bike over no less that 4 fallen trees across the path. A lap of Egham, back to Staines along the Causeway, then up to Thorpe Park along the now dry Chertsey Lane. Follow this by a lap of Chertsey and home.
43.4 miles

Well chuffed, average speed of 10 mph, 4.5 hrs out. Knackered, fell asleep on sofa, but well pleased