Your ride today.... (part 1)

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World class procrastinator
Just back from a quick 8.15 miles around the 'Wattlefield loop'. Not much traffic, except for on the Silfield Road where it seemed to be business as usual with a Micra that thought that I should have been on the verge. Once I had turned off, I saw a chap on his roadie who smiled and waved. Half a mile later I saw a family out on nice shiney new bikes and I waved and said "Merry Christmas" and was met with a frosty glare from the father. Onwards then and turned down towards Spooner Row and saw folks coming out of church. I said "Merry Christmas" to a group of people and one on them called me a 'c-word' and told me to eff off. Oh, the Christmas spirit runs deep in the veins of the Spooner Row churchgoers. Have made a mental note not to go to that church, ever.
Onwards back towards Wymondham where a nice chap in a big 4x4 waited patiently behind me on the little bendy bit and then overtook giving me acres of room. His kids yelled "Merry Christmas" out of the rear window and waved like mad. I then followed the road to the main road and turned for the 2 miles home again. At the big set of lights, a lady in a flash beemer asked if Santa had brought me a bike. I told her that I'd had this one for over 2 years and she was curious to know why I was out on it. My reply of "The sun is shining" seemed to confuse her enough to stall her car when the lights changed.

That little hill after the railway bridge mini roundabout was a slog and the last 1/4 mile was done at less then 10mph buy my legs had done their job, as far as they were concerned. Home in 36.12. As this route is backwards to Monday's route and I was 6 minutes faster and this way around its a tad longer, I was quite chuffed.
Will finish my cuppa and consider a quick sluice before going to the beach, although the seagulls probably won't mind if I hum a bit.


Über Member
No pics, simply because the same dull walls are boring. Still on the trainer, though physio has said I can go out as of Thursday it just hasn't worked yet due to the weather leaving puddles in the house! I did 2 sessions and 17 miles, no pain so must be good. Next 'ride' day is 27th so hope for some nice weather..

not to be nosey like,but whats been up?


Re member eR
It was a lovely sunny morning, cold by dry and a mere hint of wind.
My ride consisted of me saying..................''I might just go out for...''.....................cut short in mid utterance with a glare that would have frozen lava and the word...............''NO''

Oh well there's always tomorrow. ^_^


World class procrastinator
It was a lovely sunny morning, cold by dry and a mere hint of wind.
My ride consisted of me saying..................''I might just go out for...''.....................cut short in mid utterance with a glare that would have frozen lava and the word...............''NO''

Oh well there's always tomorrow. ^_^
Oh bless. Could you not have sneaked out?
One advantage of not having children and having a husband who is also a keen cyclist is that today was only ever going to have one outcome: a bike ride.

So having started the day with a surprise. We bought each other some exposure joystick lights (one each because they were needed & cheaper than the piggy back battery) my OH having told me we were not wrapping them up handed me the exposure box this morning. Humouring him, I weighed the 2 boxes and handed back the heavier one to him... I have needed my 2nd light this last 2 weeks and knew mine was on charge downstairs. He handed me back the heavier exposure box. I opened it to humour him, promptly closed it again and swore at him. Inside was a new camera! Yep he got me good and proper with that switch... (so today's pictures are on the new camera). Sometime back in October, I think it was, he asked me if there was anything I wanted for Christmas.... The only thing I could come up with was swapping out my Canon Powershot G12 with a Canon Powershot G15... but I had told him it was way too expensive given we live off 1 income nowadays and the car had recently broken down and cost £££. Bless him.

So up and out to get a 40 miler bike ride in. Only I adapted an existing ride, not really looking where the route re-routed to other than I knew there was a section along the A50 into Knutsford and I was convinced that at some point we would do the cycle route below Northwich as well... (I was working on Christmas day being quietish on the roads). It started off very icy and stayed that way pretty much until lunchtime. Ice on our landlady's car always means icy roads around here, so it was a take it easy and let my aching legs continue to ache... Early on and almost 100% of people either wished us Merry Christmas or said Hello, ironically the only person that didn't was another cyclist on a road bike... :angry:. After a short spell on the A49 where all but one motorist was great with their overtaking, we baled down the country lanes and found lots and lots of ice... There was actually that much ice it was coming back around on the tyres and instead of that mud/sand strip you sometimes get, I had an ice strip instead! Thankfully both of us are used to riding in icy conditions so this was not too much of an issue for us.

We decided to stop off at Louis Carroll's birthplace and actually go in - something we have not done before so today's photos are of there but don't really show the really wonderful sunshine we were in at the time. Northwards was blue skies, but back southwestwards was grey skies and they were coming our way.


Lewis Carroll's birthplace.


The grid over the well.

From there we continued until we came to a police road closed sign. A quick chat with the police officer manning the closure revealed that the road was closed after the 4th accident in the same spot! Ice was the cause, though not the culprit! We promised to be very careful and were allowed to continue at our own risk. Ironically the ice that had caused the road closure was less of an issue than the ice we had already cycled through earlier on some of the minor country lanes. And sure enough, we found 3 of the 4 accidents in the same place - we think that the 4th happened earliest and was in exactly the same location as 2 of the others, hence very little sign of the 4th. We took it carefully but had no issues.

Lunch same at a motorway services, I kid not. Toilets (open) and table & chairs made for a nice change to sitting on the ground, jam sandwiches and peppermint tea being our Christmas Day lunch. Needless to say we got a lot of strange looks from a steady stream of people hoping something might be open... There was a chance that McDonalds may have been open, but I refused that option! From the services it was into no-mans land - aka Lyme which was seriously busy and I have to say whilst the overtaking manoeuvres were great from a cyclists point of view, I have to say several of the oncoming motorists had our sympathies... We were very glad to turn off that road and eventually found ourselves on the A50 which was totally quiet! Home was through a myriad of backlanes and became something of a magical mystery tour - in other words we thought we knew where we were, we recognised the roads, but Garmin had other ideas often turning us off right when we were expecting left and similar such detours!

We did finally make it home, to be greeted by Dusty again. He had been out this morning, but knew that the bikes being out meant no walk, so left us alone... but we were now back so he could say hello... and then off inside for a Christmas treat - a pig's ear - his favourite!


We made it home just as it started to drizzle. Mission accomplished and Christmas Day mostly avoided and lunch certainly avoided :laugh:


West Somerset
After a lovely walk in the sun this morning with the dog, I was looking forward to a similar experience this afternoon out on the bike. I planned a short route and since it was only going to be a pootle on the hybrid rather than a longer ride on the road bike, didn't bother getting changed out of my jeans - my only cycling kit were my gloves, skull cap and helmet. Despite the forecast promising it wouldn't rain until this evening, the clouds had different ideas and it started to rain within ten minutes of me setting off. At first I thought it was just a brief shower but alas, t'was not the case. By the time I got home, my jeans had soaked up so much water that the extra weight was comparable to cycling with panniers and shopping!

I also had to revise my planned route as one section of road was still flooded from Thursday's downpours.

Christmas floods! 25dec13 (600x800).jpg

I'm now defrosting with Baileys coffee and mince pies and looking forward to a long soak in a hot bath once the water's heated up. :cold:

Am also unclear if this is a justification of or punishment for my Christmas avatar... :scratch:


Senior Member
Normally we spend xmas day in the Alps (when there's a last min bargain ski hol to be had) or, if not, on a long ride. This year was always going to be different as TF had heart surgery on Monday morning..
However, being the speedy recoverer that he is, and having been discharged Monday late pm, I knew it would be a challenge to stop him going near a bike..
First things first though, we needed to go pick a few sprouts from the allotment

Then after a quick snack I headed out on my own for a mad dash out to one of my favourite hills and back (on the pink fixed of course) before the light faded. It was frosty at the highest points, but a v stunning day in Rutland (20 miles ish for me..)

(actually that's Leicestershire - view of Burrough on the Hill)
I did take a selfie but it's not very attractive so won't bother posting that...
Then texted TF who set out on an easy ride to meet me

Yep, less than 48 hours after being discharged he's back on the bike already (and did 10 miles)! He has promised to take it very easy though...
Happy Xmas all!


My Armchair
Normally we spend xmas day in the Alps (when there's a last min bargain ski hol to be had) or, if not, on a long ride. This year was always going to be different as TF had heart surgery on Monday morning..
However, being the speedy recoverer that he is, and having been discharged Monday late pm, I knew it would be a challenge to stop him going near a bike..
First things first though, we needed to go pick a few sprouts from the allotment

Then after a quick snack I headed out on my own for a mad dash out to one of my favourite hills and back (on the pink fixed of course) before the light faded. It was frosty at the highest points, but a v stunning day in Rutland (20 miles ish for me..)

(actually that's Leicestershire - view of Burrough on the Hill)
I did take a selfie but it's not very attractive so won't bother posting that...
Then texted TF who set out on an easy ride to meet me

Yep, less than 48 hours after being discharged he's back on the bike already (and did 10 miles)! He has promised to take it very easy though...
Happy Xmas all!
Good to see you back on 2 feet wheels TF :thumbsup:


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