Sunday's Ride became renamed to the "Garmin mystery tour of Greater Manchester". I drew a line between my inlaw's home and our home and aimed for the shortest distance (given we still needed to get the weekend 'chores' sorted and it is the last weekend before the tour). This time I had doubled checked far more of the route - thankfully because at one point for some very odd reason, Garmin Connect had routed us down Manchester Airports emergency crash lanes between the 2 tunnels under the runways! Nice idea, not...
Saturday night in the tent confirmed to my OH which tent we will take on tour whilst he is with me - he will carry the old tent (Hilleberg Nammatj 3GT) in preference to the new lightweight tent (Vaude Power Lizard SUL 2-3P). It is not a size issue, but more a practicality issue for living out of for 2 weeks whilst he is with me that concerns him - the Vaude has very little porch space to the point that a stove and 2 pairs of shoes would be the limit of what could be stored inside the porch and September+Scotland can go either way on the weather front.
The new tent - conclusion by my OH, living out of it for 2 weeks is a no. Fine for 2-3 nights, not for 15...
Then it was a case of setting out and following my Garmin Edge 200. We set off in the expected direction - always useful, but soon changed to following more off road options. At one point we were cycling along what had to have been an old canal rather than an old railway, simply because of the height of the bridges - only a canal barge would have got underneath those - we had to duck for one of them, then it was back over to an old railway through some 'dubious' areas of GM... Once or twice I was quite grateful for the Schwalbe Marathon XR's we have one the bikes at the moment, they stand up to broken glass exceptionally well.
By 10:30am I was hungry - this is always a bad sign and was a sign of things to come. (Last night our evening meal (cooked by my M-I-L) had given us nowhere near what we needed in energy for today, and breakfast was not much better unfortuantly.) A major snack stop was called for - usually I make it to 11:30am and 'suffer' for half an hour before we stop for lunch. Further on down the road, we met a really helpful pedestrian who called out to us that there was lots of broken glass at the next bus stop - he was correct. there was not a single pane of glass that had not been smashed overnight and the glass for in the bus lane.
Cycling around the Manchester Airport circular cycle path was interesting, with compulsory photos of the tunnels under the
railway runways, but they tunnels were not as interesting, though considerably warmer, than the norwegian tunnels we have cycled through in the past.
From there it was to Tatton Park, but I was really struggling by now - hungry and hitting the wall big time and whilst I have not mentioned it yet, there was a horrendous headwind right from the word go, all day on Sunday and it was energy sapping. Tatton Park was not at its best either - there was one of those women's dress in pink run for life events on and the food from the cafe was cold and greasy and did nothing to help my energy levels. the only real advantage was the use of the toilets and a good sit down whilst watching the world go by and largely ignoring it.
Setting out again was hard but at least we knew we were on the home straight. Unfortuantly that home straight was still directly into the prevailing wind and the headwind was hitting us squarely front on and from now on, it was roads all the way. Along the way I spied an interesting church which I must look up at some point...
We only had the one idiot WVM today, who decided to follow a motorhome through a space that had been our priority - the motorhome driver decided cyclists don't need space, the WVM found himself face to face with a touring cyclist in hi-viz and went the same colour as his van whilst swerving back to his side of the road very quickly. His passenger was equally as white, but I knew I was OK, I always give myself enough space to be able to bale somewhere. Cyclists 1: WVM 0 - thankfully...
At Northwich we had a slight change of direction. There is a safer route through Northwich but that has a couple of harder climbs on it, or you can bale to the A556 (which has segregated cycle lanes for some of the way, shared cycle lanes for most of the rest, or just accept defeat and cycle up the pavement) but the gradients are kinder and this was the route we did home. At the Robert's bakery we paused yet again for another snack break (with a handy crash barrier to sit on) and to watch the white bread go around in circles whilst it cools. It has become a 'landmark' in our weekly shopping trips to see if there is bread cooling, usually there is, but on one occasion there had been a 'bread disaster' where it had all come off the cooling racks and was piled up against the window in a bread mountain!
Then it was home and 2 very tired cyclists were exceptionally greatful to see it. I think the bikes faired better than the cyclists today. A school report would read "must do better"!
BUT - on the really positive side, my dog bite injury to the lower left leg leaving it badly scarred and partially paralysed (from 18 months ago) has faired really well and gave no issues (when kept warm), so I am really happy because this was the first time we have been out on the tourers with a load and toured again.

One happy tourer again.