My ride today was another of "operation vegetable lasagne". The sole purpose of today's commute to my parent's home to make vegetable lasagne for my 91 year old Grandfather who lost my Gran 2 years ago and has since been diagnosed with prostate cancer) and my mother & step- father (who is waiting for another operation to remove the replacement hip that is infected and put in a temporary one impregnated with antibiotics for 12 weeks, then that gets taken out and the permanent replacement put in, if the infection has cleared...)
So this morning's ride was fairly quiet and uneventful other than needing to go via the chemist 6.5 miles away because I had been given the wrong dose antibiotics yesterday - I have a chest infection. It did get off to an unexpected start when our warmshowers guests overslept badly and were still in bed when I needed to leave, so I ended up leaving them my house key meaning I couldn't come home until after my OH had cycled home with his house key. Ride was slower than usual with my panniers being heavier than usual taking over some bits that needed using up before we go on holiday and other bits that my mother had not been able to get hold of, but for some odd reason the outward and return journeys were exactly the same average which is really odd because outgoing is uphill, home is downhill overall...
The ride home was slightly more interesting because I had to use the 'rush hour' route rather than my cross country route because the cross-country route uses a mile of a really busy section of road which is not great to cycle on at any time (bad road surface, rat run and too narrow for people to overtake plus national speed limit). Towards the end of my ride I had a young lad on a mountain bike 'race' me along the pavement and comment I wasn't very fast: my responce caught him off guard - if he wanted a race he would need to have cycled 45 miles today first... I left him behind quite quickly after that... then the only real incident of the day, I nearly got taken out by a pedestrain pushing a bike as he pushed it directly into the road without looking (no pavement) failing to see me, or the cars overtaking me or the oncoming vehicles and only my yelling "BIKE" at him stopped him dead in his tracks thankfully. My pedal touched his front wheel lightly - it was rather close. I have to wonder how much longer my luck is going to hold out! (out - 21.7miles 1hr 35 mins 13.7mph) (home - 20.9 miles 1 hr 31 mins also 13.7mph!)