25 mile TT in lovely sunny weather, enjoyed the ride but disappointing result. 1:03:05 (23.9 mph). Disappointing in the sense that I know I could have gone a fair chunk faster but I paced too conservatively and finished with plenty left in the tank rather than arriving at the finish in a state of complete and utter exhaustion.
I had tried to predict my pacing based on recent 10TT performances, held effort at 95% FTP for 1st couple of mile then up to 100% FTP for the remainder. Turns out I predicted wrong and reduced the effort too much, by the time I had realised it was too late, cue a futile charge for the last 2 or 3 miles blatting in toward the finish at 28mph. Oh well, next time! On the plus side it is early days and I should go under the hour this season!
Maybe next week I will ride my nice wheels too