Your ride today.... (part 1)

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West Somerset
A rather chilly 4 miles to the village and back. Even the dog wanted out of the sleet and raced me back up the drive. Slightly unfair since the panniers were bulging with *her* dog food. :rolleyes:


three wheels on my wagon
A 17 mile round trip on my freshly assembled hack to get some money that is owed. But by Eck it's windy out there, thought I was going well on the way there found out why on the way back. No money forthcoming but a cup of coffee but a reason to try out the thing, Yes I still find north road bars comfortable, and wide spaced 5 cog blocks are a waste of space so I will re-dish the wheel to take a seven. I must find something to replace the workmanlike Huret gearing.


My Armchair
20+ miles on the TPT (trans penine trail) taking advantage of not being at work until tonight.
As I got to the start of the trail I looked at the weather I was leaving behind and what was in front of me

1 start of the trail.jpg
2 uh oh.jpg

5 minutes later and the sun was shining once more

3 sunny again.jpg

Think I-like-skol has lost another glove

4 skolly glove.jpg

Bit tricky underfoot in places, mixture of mud/ice made it a slip-slidey ride at times

5 looks slippery.jpg

Done a few miles, time for a brew

6 time for a coffee.jpg


My Armchair

Not many people about today, must be the 0c temperture and the bitter wind keeping them all in

7 lovely and quiet.jpg

9 still quiet.jpg

Got to this bit and knew my feet were going to get wet, thank Shimano for winter boots

8 wet feet in 3 2 1.jpg

Another brew stop, started to feel cold so set off for home

10 bit cold now.jpg

Just before I left I had a visitor, every dog around here is well dressed

11 hello doggy.jpg

Heard a strange noise coming from the bike, thought I'd better investigate

12 what is that noise.jpg

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I went for a bit of a jaunt to Cound and Acton Burnell this afternoon. On the way out there was :sun: with fluffy clouds and the wind was at my back helping me to cruise at an easy 20mph on the flat bits.

On the way back that turned into a :cold: head wind which acted like a brake and I couldn't wait to get out of it.:headshake:

Overall I suppose I didn't do too badly. 23.3 miles at 12.9 mph average - about what I would have expected without the wind.


Beauty & the beast: Looking towards Wenlock Edge and the Severn Gorge with the cooling towers of Buildwas B power station butting in. This power station once had the dubious honour of being the dirtiest in the country.
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