Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Legendary Member
Came off on ice this morning. Bruises, torn jacket, bike OK. It was 4c when I left the house at 8.45. Roads were fine with no sign of frost or ice. About an hour later the temperature dropped and the lanes and ungritted minor roads turned into skating rinks. At one point I swear I could see the road surface turning to ice in front of me. Anyway no major damage to me but if its icey again tomorrow morning I might just take the cross bike out on the local paths and trails.
^Bad luck Arranandy, glad that the damage wasn't any worse.
Set off on the tandem this morning to do a ride round the Bathgate Hills. Temperature about 2 degrees but initially no sign of ice, lots of water on the roads but all liquid. That was until about a quarter of the way up Binny Hill when the spinning back wheel told us that the apparently wet road surface was sheet ice. Carefully dismounted and walked to top where we cut out the remaining climbs by turning right on the main-ish road to descend directly to Linlithgow. Had soup and fruit scones in the Town Hall and took a low level route home via Almondell CP and Kirknewton. No further ice until a couple of miles from home, this was about 3pm, had a very nervous but momentary front wheel slide over a speed bump, quite a lot of ice thereafter, all on roads that had been absolutely fine when we'd set out.


Perhaps This One.....
Came off on ice this morning. Bruises, torn jacket, bike OK. It was 4c when I left the house at 8.45. Roads were fine with no sign of frost or ice. About an hour later the temperature dropped and the lanes and ungritted minor roads turned into skating rinks. At one point I swear I could see the road surface turning to ice in front of me. Anyway no major damage to me but if its icey again tomorrow morning I might just take the cross bike out on the local paths and trails.
Liked for getting out, rather than falling off.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.

It's amazing what stubbornness can achieve.;)

You're not kidding. That's all I have in my armoury. Great start, Phil. Good luck with the Century a Month Challenge.
I've sent off my applications for audaxes on 24 Jan and 1 Feb now, so I'll very quickly find out whether i have a chance of meeting the challenge myself.


NCE West Wales
Thoroughly enjoyed my 21 miles in the dark tonight and my lights were awesome. Can't wait to go out again, even if my 7yr old daughter did go off on one at me for not calling to tell her I'm alright!
Came back with purple ears and icicles on my beard .....Brrrrrr
It was not my best ride today and trouble started long before I set off. I re-checked my first Uni assignment, which is due to be handed in on Monday and though I say it myself it is nicely formatted, well worded and word processed. I spotted a missing word and another in the wrong place, then in the commentary was a phrase that just did not seem right. OK I decided I would leave it till I get I get back from town on the bike and correct the errors and re-print the offending pages ready to take the assignment and the bike over to Newcastle on Monday. Normal run to town but blustery. On the way back I get a visit from the P Fairy in the rear wheel and I have no kit with me. So a three mile walk back home. On the way Uncle Arthur Ritus starts to play up and the bladder fills up and I am on the A69, which was busier than normal and there are no hedges to dodge behind, almost home and I meet a chaty neighbour (I am being polite here) so I wasn't polite to her or her over fed Corgi and I pushed on. Oh blessed relief as I get the bike safely into the garage and get to the toilet. A large whisky and small a mount of Ginger later I fall asleep in the armchair and wake up as SWMBO tells me my dinner is getting cold. Bang; there goes most of my resolutions, all ready blown for the year. As the bike has a hub gear I don't want to repair the tyre myself it will be Tuesday before I get it in for repair and get one of those fancy inner tubes that can be put on with out the wheel been taken off. Ah well another lesson learnt the hard way (again) ALWAYS CARRY EMERGENCY KIT
Well finally got out on the bike for the first time since the 3rd December. Clear skies barely any wind so did a gentle 14 miles. About 50/50 town and country. Not my greatest ride but nice to be back out.

It very nearly went wrong when I spotted a deep pothole at the last minute. I managed to lift the front wheel over it , but not the rear. What a clatter, water bottle went flying across the road, and I stopped next to the next street light I came across and checked the tyre. Thankfully all seems well.
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