Uncle Phil said:
No,and that's why I think perhaps there should be a recognized reward for it.
After all, having a PhD or any other qualification is certainly no indication that the holder has any.
Can it be taught? Or do you have to be born with it?
Should it be renamed? Can we actually define it any more?
Common sense is basically what people agree to be the case. Except that when they don't this has to be qualified, by rather more subjective terms like 'reasonable people' or 'ordinary people'.
What results, is that all too often, claims to have 'common sense' are often just a way of trying to make unsubstantiated opinions sound more authoritative by appealing to populism.
Common sense then is just the view that someone making a statement thinks that others should have.
And of course, even if something could be agreed to be 'common sense', this has no necessary relation to it being etiher factually correct or morally right.