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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
No, Pat, no - it is all my fault. Adrian wears a rather fetching bandana...fetching because we always send him to the bar. He's not called 'Fancy' for nothing! :smile: (It's User10571 that wears bananas)
What I need now is a pic of Adrian not pulling faces, sans bandana: is he baldie? I like baldie men :girl:


Legendary Member
Des had an excellent taste in gilets and whisky...



Here for rides.
One is an act-tor. One plays many roles. One wears many hats.

In here I'm only a bit like me in real life, and there are several of me, each one being a bit like the real me, but none of them being the whole me.

In real life I'm only a bit like me in real life as well, and there are several of me, each one being a bit like the real me, but none of them being the whole me.

Nonetheless the same set of demons pursue each of me no matter which one of me I'm being so the only thing we all share in common are the motivations.

Drives the lovely Helen nuts I can tell you. And so can she.

I am, in point of fact, a veritable Venn diagram of a man.

As someone said on Monday "I no longer know what you stand for....." to which I could only reply

"Step into my office, I've someone inside I'd like you to meet....."

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
2534764 said:
Chubby? OK I might currently weigh a bit more than I have done but nevertheless.
@User unchain my heart, set me free :smooch:you really look like the Sheffield Steel man himself, very simpatico :biggrin:
Come on Pat, less of the fauning for ricketty older boys...why not set your sights a little 'thigher' with everyone's favourite whippersnapper, @Davywalnuts:

He's suave (he doesn't know that) he's sophisticated (he can't spell that) and dresses in Staines Massive Versace - that is to say
Doner Versace. He's the Kebab King of Kingston - and he's waiting for you!
(On the wall behind, someone has missed the word 'noodle' out of the middle.)


It's a bit more complicated than that...
[QUOTE 2534363, member: 1314"]When and where:

View attachment 25691 [/quote]

I recognise that ring. IIRC, @Aperitif made me drink one more beer than the several I'd planned. And he hadn't even ridden with us.

I think I'm less of an argumentative impulsive show-off in real life than I am here - but if you get me too early in the morning before I've had coffee I can be just as grumpy. When I started out on internet forums (which, come to think of it, was about the same time as I started wearing that ring, and was when USENET was at its height, and MAILSERV lists were just going out) I never expected to meet anyone in real life, so got used to the particularly poky way of communicating that most people used. Most of them were academics indulging themselves in off-duty arguments, so anal levels of detail and personal attacks dressed up in politeness were the norm.


Über Member
West Sussex
I don't know if there's much difference between the 'real' me and the one who isn't on the internet.

Normally, the sound of gnawing self hatred overrides the ability of cohesive thought.

The Jogger

Legendary Member
One is an act-tor. One plays many roles. One wears many hats.

In here I'm only a bit like me in real life, and there are several of me, each one being a bit like the real me, but none of them being the whole me.

In real life I'm only a bit like me in real life as well, and there are several of me, each one being a bit like the real me, but none of them being the whole me.

Nonetheless the same set of demons pursue each of me no matter which one of me I'm being so the only thing we all share in common are the motivations.

Drives the lovely Helen nuts I can tell you. And so can she.

I am, in point of fact, a veritable Venn diagram of a man.

As someone said on Monday "I no longer know what you stand for....." to which I could only reply

"Step into my office, I've someone inside I'd like you to meet....."

There really is some very good medication for that these days.
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