Über Member
I used to have a folding mountain bike - a Rudge Bi-Frame - basically a Raleigh
calling it a mountain bike was pushing it a bit but this was the 1980s and the market was flooded with "Mountain Bikes" that were just normal flkat bar bikes with knobby tyres
This was the same but worked better - and folded - pivoting around the seat tube and with 5 locks to stop it folding when you didn;t want it to
It was pretty good for normal riding and riding on trails and such
quite big when folded - but not greatly
not as heavy as our current folding ebike!!!
Legally I suppose I still have it - last time I saw it was when I left my ex - it was in the garage.
It is probably in exactly the same place but never worth the hassle involved in contacting her to get it back!!
I have 2 Rudge montagues...... Good as an off-road or on-road bike but not as compact a fold as the Brompton. The second one is now kept at my Daughter's house 100 miles away in case I want it for going to the shops or just for a ride. It's a convoluted story how I came to have 2.... A friend brought the Rudge to my attention as his FIL had one. A year later I bought one on the very week my friend gave me his (now sadly departed) FIL's Rudge. I sold the second one to a local cyclist and gave the proceeds to charity. Five years later the buyer asked me if I wanted it back FOC, and during the 5 years he'd transformed it from pristine to wreck