Your least favourite film?

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Über Member
New Forest
It's taken 7 years, but it has to be said.

Shawshank Redemption.
The more people recommended this film ,the more I don't want to see it !!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Just remembered another massive movie disappointment... Highlander 2.

I went to see Highlander (the first one) at the pictures when it came out and loved every moment of it. I liked it so much i went to the cinema again the next night and watched it again (something i've never done before or since). In the following few years I watched it countless times, and naturally got excited when i heard about the sequel (although i couldn't work out how they could do a sequel to a story that was done and dusted at the end of the first installment).

So yes... Highlander 2... WTF were they thinking!?!?! :eek: They couldn't have made a bigger feck up if they tried!


Über Member
The worst film I've ever seen is Legion of the Dead (2005). I can't remember why I watched it because I don't like modern horror much (I did like the Saw series though). It claimed to star Bruce Boxleitner but he was in it for about 5 minutes. It didn't deliver on suspense or gore. It didn't even have any nudity despite suggesting several times that it was only a few frames away!

One of my favourite films is The Elephant Man so it's a shame to see it mentioned here. I'm a huge fan of David Lynch though. You should see Eraserhead if you want to see a film you'll either love or hate!

I also really liked Being John Malkovich.


North Shields
Just remembered another massive movie disappointment... Highlander 2.

I went to see Highlander (the first one) at the pictures when it came out and loved every moment of it. I liked it so much i went to the cinema again the next night and watched it again (something i've never done before or since). In the following few years I watched it countless times, and naturally got excited when i heard about the sequel (although i couldn't work out how they could do a sequel to a story that was done and dusted at the end of the first installment).

So yes... Highlander 2... WTF were they thinking!?!?! :eek: They couldn't have made a bigger feck up if they tried!

There can only be one.


Über Member
Has anybody put forward that utter tripe The Rocky Horror Picture Show yet?

While we're at it, Withnail and I and Pulp Fiction as well.
I used to like Pulp Fiction but in the mid-90s it was only video a friend of mine had and he insisted on putting it on every time I went round. I must've seen that film dozens of times. I still quite like it.

Withnail and I was one of those films I started liking as I got older.


Gone with the wind.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Withnail and I is one of those films that everyone raved about when C4 were celebrating it's 10th anniversary. I'd never seen nor heard of it prior to that, and after all the hype it was given it just left me thinking "Meh?" followed by "That's a film i never want to see again."

Rocky horror i have a love hate relationship with. I either thoroughly enjoy it or am utterly bored by it.... either way i do have to quickly skip past The Timewarp and Sweet Transvestite... as they're two songs i never want to hear again for as long as i live.
Lost In Translation.

Watching paint dry would have been more interesting.

It's one of those films that manages to convince people that it's profound by ensuring that sod all happens.

And that lead characters spend a lot of time looking blank.

The descendant of those foreign 70s/80s foreign art films.
I'm willing to bet the forthcoming Hollywood remake of Dambusters will be sh!t on a stick. Those brave USAF types winning WW2 all on thier own...;)
Don't get me started on the re-made Italian Job. Or The Jackal, for that matter.
I need a lie down in a dark room now.:biggrin:
Is this true?

An American remake of The Dambusters?


Über Member

It's one of those films that manages to convince people that it's profound by ensuring that sod all happens.

And that lead characters spend a lot of time looking blank.

The descendant of those foreign 70s/80s foreign art films.
I like those films where sod all happens. They're a snapshot into the lives of the characters. Lost In Translation is an extreme example. Alexander Payne's films (Sideways, About Schmidt, The Descendants) are similar, and brilliant in my opinion, but things do actually happen in his films.
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