Your least favourite film?

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Über Member
New Forest
7 years... not quite the deadest thread resurrection... but close :whistle:

Beat that then ???


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Walked out of Goldmember when I went to see it at the cinema... it's not the worst film I've seen but when i realised that i could be across the road drinking beer instead of watching that sh!te, I walked across the road and drank beer instead of watching that sh!te.

A friend of mine loaned me his DVD of The English Patient after going on and on about how fecking awesome it is... I was very patient and sat through the entire yawnfest, vowing every minute never to watch this sh!te ever again.

Can't Stop The Music... the Village People movie... utter sh!te from start to finish but a great way to waste 90 mins of my sad and lonely life
Cool As Ice... the Vanilla Ice movie... absolutely dire but but well worth a watch if, like me, you sometimes can't resist a really bad movie.
Bula Quo... the Status Quo movie... why oh why they waited 'til 2013 to make a movie I'll never know, but I'm glad they did... utter sh!te!


North Carolina
The Dark Crystal. I left after the first half hour of that nonsense. Bad sound, terrible filming, stupid story, silly muppet characters. It had it all.


Legendary Member
London, UK


East Sussex
I walked out of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre less than ten minutes into the movie.

It was being shown at the student union theatre in my university (back in the 70s) and i was dragged along by some friends. A very few minutes into the film I had had more than enough. It is the only movie I have ever walked out on


A friend of mine loaned me his DVD of The English Patient after going on and on about how fecking awesome it is... I was very patient and sat through the entire yawnfest, vowing every minute never to watch this sh!te ever again
That was patient of you.

Um, I recently mentioned The Andromeda Strain hereabouts as definitely the most boring movie I've seen all year, and quite probably ever. I see no reason to revise that opinion. I can remember very little about it, thankfully. But I do remember how boring it was.

Ian A

Über Member
Mission to Mars. Had to watch it at work many years ago. Twice in fact as someone lost/wiped the subtitled copy. Even though I was being paid I still wanted my money back.

Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. starring David Hassellhoff. Another workplace gem. How does this stuff get funded?

Killing Them Softly. Just nothing there.

Moulin Rouge

Behind Enemy Lines. Absolute tosh of the highest, big budget order.

Do we need to even mention the Twilight Series?

I enjoyed Being John Malkovich but it hadn't been bigged up to me beforehand.
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Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
that austin powers idiot just annoys much so ive never sat through more than 2 minutes of any of it....
same with stupid tack like the harry hill movie...garbage
Jaws three was pretty embarrassing as well
but the all time biggest waste of money has to be waterworld
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