I run a farm in the grounds of a high school in Bolton. On top of the big critters including donkeys, sheep, goats and pigs I also look after bee hives which were brought in by another department who as usual lost interest in that project and kindly “ gave” it to me with little instruction on how to care for them.
I am now the go to person when it comes to the increased issue of swarms at this time of year. So far I have collected one swarm from the special needs school next door and yesterday I was asked to collect another from our car park because they might be mine 🤔 I think the cost of the council charging them to remove the offending critters was also might have been the reason for my ownership.
Anyway, off I went with a bee suit, a big box to collect the little terrors ! Thankfully the experience from the previous swarm and a spare hive the move was successfully completed and I have some new honey bees to care for