Your day's wildlife

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My Armchair
From a recent local walk..





Girl from the North Country
Coming back from my early morning wander I passed the time of day with a dog walker. He asked if I'd seen anything and I commented that the geese had just flown over. "Oh yes," he said, "I call those precious moments".

That's the sort of attitude we want!


Gravitationally challenged member
Looked up from making breakfast pancakes just in time to see a male Blackcap nipping into the pigeon-proof cage and taking a Wilko's insect laced suet pellet, before flying back to a Mahonia. No photo, I'm afraid, but I'll keep one eye open until the cyclo cross comes on. Looked like it wasn't his first visit, 'cos he seemed very assured.

Reminded me of that bit on Winterwatch where a Blackcap was feeding on Mahonia nectar; whenever I've seen overwintering Blackcaps in the garden, they've favoured the Mahonia. I'd assumed they were waiting for insects to visit the blossoms.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
A hedgehog question.
I have either one or two hedgehogs hibernating in a hog house in my garden. Once it/they wake up and start foraging, do I need to clean their house out, as is done with bird nesting boxes, and replace the straw, or just leave it for them to do their own spring cleaning?


Dave 123

Legendary Member


Legendary Member
A few days late but last week, on my bike ride, I saw my first bullfinch. He was beautiful. Made my day.

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
There was an article in the paper recently about why don't woodpeckers ever get their beaks stuck? Turns out they do, but have developed their beaks so that when they get stuck, the top beak can move to the left and the bottom to the right and then rotating the head frees the beak, a bit like reversing the drill when the bit gets stuck. Of course it all happens so quickly you'd never know it got stuck in the first place.
Thanks for posting, I'd never heard of one!
it's the bird the old cartoon "Woody Woodpecker" was designed after & yes, they really do sound like the cartoon laugh! that's how I spotted it this morning. I got a much better photo a cpl summers ago, including a baby sticking it's head out of the tree hole nest! if I can find the pics I'll come back & post them
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