Your day's wildlife

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Don't worry about the greys. Pine martens will spread across the country soon and deal with the problem. They catch the greys easily, but the reds are light enough to sit on weak branches that the martens can't access. There are people asking for licenses to re-introduce them into areas they haven't been seen for a couple of centuries.

Anyway, we were watching "our" barn owl yesterday as it hunted across the set set aside rough grassland across the lane from us, when it was mobbed by 3 crows. Its answer was to go and sit on the ground, so the crows sat down there with it, surrounding it. It was quite a worrying moment, as crows have a pretty fearsome set of armoury and are much bigger than the owl. They all took off again, and they chased the owl across 2 fields before I lost sight of them all. I hope everything is OK, as we're getting pretty used to having the owl around these days.


Legendary Member
Is that a spotted redshank top right, next to the avocet? Great pics btw
I had a few hours to spare in Portsmouth yesterday, an opportunity for a walk around Farlington Marshes. There was a lot of rain about but it cleared at the right time. No great rarities that I could see, not that I'm a great expert! But the light was good and the birds were sitting nicely for my trusty SX50:

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My Armchair
Just now, in a brief flurry of snow.



Legendary Member
Photo Winner
Northern Germany
Well no photo alas, though I did try! However, cycling home from work tonight along a well used path when I noticed some movement to the side in amongst the trees. There, no more than 3 metres from the path, was a Buzzard snacking on a dead rabbit. Quite amazing to watch, he was quite unperturbed by the cyclists going past, but as I attempted to get my phone out for a snap he looked up and flew off. I've seen wild Buzzards close before, but never like this.
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2 Red Kite dead overhead my mums house, just rooftop height, being mobbed by a couple of crows. So close I could see the Kite twist his neck/head sideways snapping at one crow.
I told mum when I went in, dad would have been ecstatic had he been alive, he never saw one despite being a lifelong outdoor man and nature lover...sadly he went blind around the time they began to establish themselves here.
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