"You should be on the cyclepath!"

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I'm sure all of us at some point have had the above phrase (or similar, possibly with some rude words added) shouted at us by an ignorant driver, but today I had a new experience - another cyclist telling me that I should be using the "cycle track" (as he put it) and not riding on the road. There was a shared pedestrian/cycle path on the approach to Oxford (about here on StreetView), he was travelling on said path in the opposite direction to me while I was on the road, and as he approached he started gesturing and then gave me an earful as I went by.

I completely ignored him and carried on riding, plus in my defense the road wasn't exactly busy - I was on it for about a mile, during which time I was overtaken by probably three cars and maybe another five or so passed in the opposite direction. I was also doing about 16-17mph at the time (flat road, tailwind) which is probably a bit too fast for a shared path. The irony is that I'm not against cyclepaths - indeed once I reached Oxford, I started using them to avoid the major roads, but when it's not much more than a country lane I can't see the point.

Really don't know why he decided that yelling at a stranger was the best way of convincing them, but it's kind of bugged me since - if fellow cyclists are now starting to parrot the talking points of the driving lobby, what chance do we have? Anyone else had this happen to them?


Legendary Member
"...and you should be on wegovy, you fat lard-arsed p****r."

And having uttered such withering words you then carry merrily on your way without giving the eejut a second thought.


On cycle paths, shared and otherwise, I always cycle on the left as that's the side of the King's highway that we all have to be on, thus to me this is a logical progression.
However, very occasionally I encounter cyclists coming towards me on their right, thus my left and insisting that they're on the correct side and I should move over. :wacko:
Thoughts - ? :whistle:


Leg End Member
On cycle paths, shared and otherwise, I always cycle on the left as that's the side of the King's highway that we all have to be on, thus to me this is a logical progression.
However, very occasionally I encounter cyclists coming towards me on their right, thus my left and insisting that they're on the correct side and I should move over. :wacko:
Thoughts - ? :whistle:
I'd stick to the left as well if I were using one. It is as you put it a "logical progression" from road use.
On cycle paths, shared and otherwise, I always cycle on the left as that's the side of the King's highway that we all have to be on, thus to me this is a logical progression.
However, very occasionally I encounter cyclists coming towards me on their right, thus my left and insisting that they're on the correct side and I should move over. :wacko:
Thoughts - ? :whistle:

I have had this - on a nice wide cycle path alongside a canal
One guy was older than me and was coming down a slight slope when he saw me
I saw him first and was already moving to my left - I was left of middle anyway
he swung to his right - so I went further left - right to the edge and stopped
he rode past - JUST missing me and called me a B8888y idiot - I have no idea why

Several other time people have gone right as well - sometimes it is someone clearly inexperienced but sometimes they just seem to think they are in the right
no idea why


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
On cycle paths, shared and otherwise, I always cycle on the left as that's the side of the King's highway that we all have to be on, thus to me this is a logical progression.
Spot the potential problem with that:

Shared path signs.jpg


Legendary Member
Indeed, there’s a park nearby that I cycle through most days which has the marked cycle lane on the right when going in one direction, on the left coming the other way. Seems a bit daft as it’s next to grass, kids play park, would make more sense on the other side :wacko:
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