You can't go wrong with god on your side.....can you ??

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Legendary Member
The mother has just had a serious fall down the stairs.
An elderly woman a couple of doors up the road went sleepwalking a while back. She'd never sleepwalked in her life before, so the first thing she knew about it was when she woke up at the bottom of the stairs with a broken neck, broken back, and multiple other breaks.
God lets us measure the forces of nature without interference, but when no one is looking he pulls a few strings. Has he ever been caught out by sneaky scientists pretending not to measure?


Legendary Member
NE England
Sorry to hear of the lady's woes. It sounds bad.

As a 'devout' atheist, I have found that, the four times I thought Lady Byegad was on her last days*, and the twice my GP sent me for tests as I 'may have cancer'**, I had no urge to communicate with an imaginary friend.

Was I frightened? Hell, yes!
Desperate? Yes again.
Looking for support? That's what family and friends are for.

I understand other people may find strength from belief, but to my mind the little relief that may give, is nothing compared to the skills and hard work of other humans.

* Fortunately the NHS worked like hell and saved her life.
** Both times it wasn't!


Firm and Fruity
10 years ago our local vicar died of a heart attack, leaving 2 young boys and a wife behind. I just couldn't understand it, and still don't. The older I get, the more atheist I'm becoming!
My mother used to go to church most weeks. But hasn’t been for a decade as the local vicar had an affair with a parishioner and it seems that plenty of people in the village knew. She just couldn’t reconcile that and has now given up going completely.

Chief Broom

Walking along the beach tuther day i got chatting to a woman initially about her terrier then she informed me she was a Christian and then further along in the conversation she told me her opinion about illegal immigrants who should be persecuted/drowned and generally harmed....hmm I cut short the exchange and cleared off as in my opinion she was deranged/hypocritical and weirdly capable of the mental gymnastics necessary to hold such thoughts. I find it disturbing that some people latch onto beliefs as if it was true...and it doesnt have to be a religious belief either, any kind of unproven belief will do. The only 'believers' i do have sympathy for are those unfortunates who have been so tortured by lifes cruelties they will grasp at anything,


Legendary Member
See, thats interesting - a most un Christian Christian.

This is like my views on party politics. I believe in an almighty creator, a grand architect, them what you will, but have no interest in or truck with organised religion.

Technically im Jewish, being born to a Jewish mother, but my Dad was having none of it, told her I could make up my own mind when I'm old enough. I know exactly where he was coming from now.

On the funny side, I married a Catholic lass and being a nice Jew boy (I sometimes play up to it a bit to annoy them) some of the more fanatical members of her family seemed to think she was marrying Satan himself.
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