Xmas, do you like it?

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Midlands UK
Our Christmas dinner
Doubtless, when I go in tomorrow, I'll have all that 'false niceness'..... Doctors & Nursing staff, who can't talk to me (especially) 'off the shop-floor' for the other 364 days of the year will be 'round you like a rash' (pardon the NHS pun)
Out of the (at a guess) 30 staff, 2 spoke normally to me (as they always do), most of the others got as far as "Merry...…." before the look on my face implied "Shut Up!!":laugh:
To all those who trot out the "Christmas has become too commercial now" line, during my 67 years on the planet it has never been anything else. It is just that when we are children it is a time of wonder and magic, when we are going through the young Buck or Doe stage and getting pi$$ed and putting it about we enjoy it too much to think about it. It is only when we become boring and old we realise it is mostly about shopping and eating.


I can handle Christmas ok, even enjoy it in bits, so long as no family rows break out, but the drag thru' to 12th night just does my head in. It's over. We're done. Can't we just pack up and move on? But no: the tree's still up, the cards still out, the decorations still hanging around. Who was it said house guests are like cold fish - after three days they begin to smell. Christmas is a bit like that...if only it was just three....


Legendary Member
I can handle Christmas ok, even enjoy it in bits, so long as no family rows break out, but the drag thru' to 12th night just does my head in. It's over. We're done. Can't we just pack up and move on? But no: the tree's still up, the cards still out, the decorations still hanging around.
You could put them all away ;)
Odd coming from a self proclaimed believer
Try and keep up at the back :rolleyes:


Just about surviving
For the 4th year running we went away.
Last year, Christmas Eve we were in Auschwitz. This year sitting in Casino Square in Monaco having an Irish coffee.
I would definitely recommend Nice for a week's break. Only problem was the drive to and from Luton airport and the 8 1/2 delay going out. Arriving after midnight at the apartment and feeling cream crackered the next day.

Christmas dinner.
There are only the two of us for Xmas dinner, but with the turkey and all the trimmings it takes half the day to prepare it then God knows how long to wash every thing up and put it away. So that afternoon I got a glass sweet jar, put it on the table and put two pound coins in it. I then told Mrs SJ to do the same. On her asking why I told her that starting that day and on every Monday hereon we'd each put two quid in the jar and that would pay for next year's dinner in a restaurant. She couldn't get her purse out fast enough.


Legendary Member
I wouldn't want you to get the idea that I'm some kind of "Love And Peace To All Vegetables" weirdo.

I simply loathe broccoli.
I quite like broccoli but dont enjoy sprouts. Mrs D says "you have to eat them, they are good for you".......strange but I have lived quite a long time without liking or eating them.
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