XL Bully cats.

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Legendary Member
We've got 6 cats, we also have a healthy and thriving sparrow colony in the Ivy at the side of the house (60-70 birds) do the cats get the odd bird, well yep but probably less than the young that fall out of the 'nests'


Über Member
Why does that go to show cats kill?

You quoted me out of context, I stated they can kill anything, in this case a human ,in an accident who died from injuries, the cats didn't do that. Intentionally.
Even , then a Sumatran Tiger would kill you, aan Asian Lion will kill you any of the big cats you care to mention could kill you, a cat is a cat, it wilfully do what it wants.


You quoted me out of context, I stated they can kill anything, in this case a human ,in an accident who died from injuries, the cats didn't do that. Intentionally.
Even , then a Sumatran Tiger would kill you, aan Asian Lion will kill you any of the big cats you care to mention could kill you, a cat is a cat, it wilfully do what it wants.

I quoted you very much in context and directly, because cats didn't do that at all.

I actually agree with the point you are trying to make, just not with the example you are quoting.
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