Would Joining a Cycling Club be Right For Me?

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Kilometre nibbler

Go and meet them. Then you won't have to rely on impressions from a distance whether they "seem friendly".

In my experience clubs don't require you to wear the club jersey so if you don't like it ... Don't.

If the speeds and distances of the rides align with what you want to do, give it a try. If they don't look right for you, look for a different club.

The toolkit question one is odd. Most club rides I've been on will wait for you while you fix a puncture (with appropriate help). I don't know what the reaction would be if you said "I've punctured - you lot carry on, I'm calling a lift". Probably no problem but a bit unusual.

No one will care what kind of bike you ride. They will care that you try to fit in and listen to advice about how things are done.


Well-Known Member
So much must depend on how you cycle - which is far broader than distance/speed. Personally I enjoy the freedom, I go at the speed I want (which varies through each ride) I go where I want, normally setting out without any plan but decide at each junction where to head next, if I've more energy I'll end-up going further, etc. Hence I ride alone; suits me but I can appreciate others might enjoy different styles and other aspects.

For me riding alone does not mean no sociability. I'll often be stopping to say hello to dogs (sometimes even acknowledging their owners), chatting to people out on a walk, to horse riders (one such stop with a frightened horse owner had me walk to horse to give it a treat (she provided). Even through stopping and chatting several times with one person ended up encouraging them to take-up cycling and few weeks later they'd got a bike and were out cycling. Riding alone does not mean no social engagement.

Subject to "rules" (eg what you wear, etc.) if considering it then give it a try. Not like you are committing for life for all your outings by cycle. If you enjoy it, get on with the people, etc. then great but if you don't then you can stop at any time.



I’ll join, sounds right up my street. My racing days are well and truly over.

It's a shame we aren't closer as we could form a group.


I looked on one of the local clubs sites and they welcome new people along for a ride on Sundays starting at 9! We usually like a lie in on the weekend. I think the ride is about 4 hours, 20 odd miles. That seems to be quite a while out away from SWMBO who would probably want me to help in the garden.
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