Worst actual cycle path?

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Legendary Member

Wtaf is that supposed to be for?
Presumably whoever specified it was having a joke

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull

Ha I know where that is!

When I lived around there I hadn't started cycling yet, I really should of as that road into Leeds is slow as feck most of the time, I'd frequently spend an hour on the bus going a little under 3 miles.

I must go back up there for a nosy, used to know a great little loop up Otley Road and down into Eccup Reservoir and Harewood House. Once I'd actually worked out I liked cycling again that is!

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull


Kilometre nibbler
Is posting pictures of daft cycling infra and laughing at it a "thing" in other countries or is it a UK only thing?

Do we have a monopoly this?


Has anyone ridden the path by Frodsham Wind Farm lately ? I rode it about two years ago after not having been there for 7 years or so because the road was so bad. It's like the Runway at Port Stanley. Even on a gravel bike it was hideous.
Surely it's been patched since then but I'm afraid to look.
It's part of NCN 5 apparently.

I rode it this spring and it was much better. The time before that it was as you say, like the RAF had used it for bombing practice. If you go on Google street view it still looks fairly flat but I think it gets used by the big trucks heading to and from the industrial sites along that stretch. So it may not stay flat for long as its only a gravel track.


Major work is taking place near Birtley for the new NCN 725 that is going from Blyth to Darlington. (Also called Great North Cycleway)
The big new bit starts south from the Bowes Railway link. It is rare to see other cyclist on the bit that goes to the Angel of the North roundabout.
Looking good in bits though no doubt I will part stick to the road.
1936 was a sane year for bikes. https://www.durham.gov.uk/greatnorthcycleway

Reminds me. Carlton Reid once interviewed me while riding and asked why I did not use that old concrete section. His input has likely come in useful.
It is a massive shame we lost the plot post war.
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