Words that you or others struggle to pronounce

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back and brave
Not Campie, PLEASE!

Yes, one of those debates to inflame the senses, bringing out the devil in people, worse than Brexit and more akin to Windows v Linux!

There's someone that still won't talk to me because I once said campie!


back and brave
Since we're talking town names, let me mention a village near me - Méasnes. I'm afraid I can't give you a definitive answer to the pronunciation of this one (spoiler or otherwise) because that's the very point. It depends on who you talk to as to how it's pronounced.

It is pronounced by non-local French speakers as [me.an] (aforementioned IPA) but as the village name derives from Occitan, it's pronounced by local locals more like 'mesnes'. A source of discussion/amusement whenever we (local cycling club) rode through there, but never with agreement reached.


Reminds me of a little game/joke we used to play on our kids. Try it on yours.

Ask them to pronounce and spell out
M... a... c... B... e... t... h


Town names are a nightmare
Near where I grew up (Wirral) there is a place called Meols - pronounced Mells i.e. the O is ignored
Near Southport there is another town/place called Meols - but they pronounce the O

And off shore at the NW tip of the Wirral Peninsular is an island called Hilbre
local pronounce it more like Hill-bree - most 'foreigners' insist on saying it like Hilbr
My ex insisted that my pronunciation is wrong - in spite of me growing up a few miles from it and sailing in the area (and around it ) for many years!

names are weird
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