Words or phrases that you hate ...

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Pulling through
Has anyone mentioned double negatives?

Yeah, in 1946* George Orwell wrote:

The debased language that I have been discussing is in some ways very convenient. Phrases like A NOT UNJUSTIFIABLE ASSUMPTION, LEAVES MUCH TO BE DESIRED, WOULD SERVE NO GOOD PURPOSE, A CONSIDERATION WHICH WE SHOULD DO WELL TO BEAR IN MIND, are a continuous temptation, a packet of aspirins always at one's elbow.

If you read those phrases together they sound 'not unlike' any modern politician with a microphone at their gob.

*The less successful prequel to 1984**

**Okay, I'll get me coat.


Active Member
I've always hated the phrase

"when the shoot hits the fan"

I bet it's never actually happened...

I remember reading a few years ago that Liam Gallagher was attacked on stage.

So that would be a case of the fan hitting the shoot...

Thanking you instead of Thank you. Usually uttered by trainspotter types.

When I worked for the Co-op, lots of customers would do this. Either that or they'd say 'thaaaaaaankyousir' in this bizarre semi-growling voice.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I've always hated the phrase

"when the shoot hits the fan"

I bet it's never actually happened...
I watched the Stranglers play at the Locarno in Coventry in October 1977 and Jean Jacques Burnel used his bass to smack a gobbing punk in the head when he disobeyed a strict instruction not to spit in the faces of the band!

Though the fan was asking for it, it was still a shitty thing to do! :thumbsup:


New Member
"Holistic" anyone? It's a triple guaranteed trip-wire that you have entered a zone of sloppy reasoning and utter shite.

My god you are not wrong... My mother in law is one of those "Holistic healer" types.

Waffle, Hot Air and Band Wagon spring to mind.

A bit like "Organic"....

When I was young Organic (matter) was the stuff more commonly found in a composted heap, now it's an "Industry".


Legendary Member
"point being"

I hear those two words in a sentence and I just stop listening as I know I'm about to hear a bunch of self supporting BS.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
<br />People who still can't use the words &quot;borrow&quot; and &quot;lend&quot; in their correct terms.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Yes there was this suit on the telly introduced as an expert. As soon as he said 'appraised' when he meant 'apprised' it told me he weren't no expert.


"Passionate about". It seems that everyone who pops up on TV with something incredibly dull has an compulsion to declare that they are passionate about it.

"I'm Simon Ohgodyetanotherchef and I'm passionate about artesan tripe boiling". Next one of those to appear on my TV gets a channel change and a barely restrained urge to throw a brick at the screen.



Purveyor of fine nonsense
"Holistic" anyone? It's a triple guaranteed trip-wire that you have entered a zone of sloppy reasoning and utter shite.

The word "Holistic" was originally used academically to describe a particular kind of psychology. Unfortunately, it now seems to have been hijacked by anyone and everyone who wants to describe themselves in a way that seems somehow "wholesome" (which is a word that I really hate!). I wince when I hear management talking about "holistic solutions", for example. Holistic psychotherapy was originally (and still is), the practice of inviting a person to recognise (and perhaps change, where possible) as many aspects of themselves and the world around them as they can, whether they're comfortable with them or not. It is definitely not all about paying a trendy London hipster therapist £100 to sit in a darkened room for an hour and listen to whalesong while getting in touch with one's auric chakras, man. Deep. Far out!


Smutmaster General
"synergy", and the plural "synergies" tells me this meeting will be long, pointless and full of meaningless twaddle.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
<br />&quot;Passionate about&quot;.  It seems that everyone who pops up on TV with something incredibly dull has an compulsion to declare that they are passionate about it.<br /><br />&quot;I'm Simon Ohgodyetanotherchef and I'm passionate about artesan tripe boiling&quot;. Next one of those to appear on my TV gets a channel change and a barely restrained urge to throw a brick at the screen.<br /><br />John<br />
<br /><br /><br />

You are very passionate about that!
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