Yenrod. 7am, why?
Cab, since I live in the city centre, I suspect they come under your 'manky' category.. Although they looked very sleek, not raggedy, which is what made me think they were still young.
Bonj, I don't think I've ever had a pigeon fly at my head quite like that. Maybe they are playing chicken? I find it funny when they are on the ground, and walk faster and faster to get away from you, as if they forget they can fly...
I guess if you could fly, and were bored, you might have fun playing chicken - which is perhaps what those train dodging ones are doing?
There is a tree opposite the flat, with a wood pigeon nest in it, and a couple of weeks ago I heard a lot of flapping, always about the same time of evening, for a week, and when I looked out, saw Mrs Woodpigeon trying to shrug off the amorous attempts of Mr Woodpigeon, who I think might have been a beginner, because he was trying to sit on her head...