Winter Strength training

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Eh up
Even that link suggests that you are using the wrong definition. It even gives you a more cycling-specific defitnition straight after...

If you don't recognize its the same equation using different terms,, I suggest its you who needs to do more reading.
If you don't recognize its the same equation using different terms,, I suggest its you who needs to do more reading.

If you're going to talk about power in cycling terms, you obviously need to be specific. Not sure why someone pointing that out would upset you so much. Anyway, now we have arrived at the correct definition, perhaps you could move on to explaining why leg strength is so important for cycling?


Legendary Member
There may be some psychological benefits to doing weights? Breaks up the boredom of endless turbo/roller sessions and all those bulging leg muscles will look great in Lycra and scare your opponents. (Isn't that the real reason most club riders shave their legs)?

I do the odd track session, and it is clear that the sprinters do a LOT of weights, but they do struggle at the endurance events.

edited due to shocking spelling!
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There may be some psychological benefits to doing weights? Breaks up the boredom of endless turbo/roller sessions and all those bulging leg muscles will look great in Lycra and scare your apponents. (Isn't that the real reason most club riders shave their legs)?

A lot of the 'shaved legs' I race against are distinctly 'unscary', in as much as there is hardly a scrap of muscle on them anywhere to be seen. Doesn't stop them winning races though...
Sorry dude, but you're the one who's sounding like you don't have anything constructive to add. If you want to put forward a fairly controversial proposition demonstrating that cycling is in fact a strength sport, then you should be able to a) bring some evidence, and b) be prepared to defend it robustly. It seems that you are prepared for neither.
OK - I will give you some of my experiences provided by my training
a - best marathon at 43 yrs of age - 3hrs : 32mins
b - at the age of 50 i walked 50 miles on my birthday
and continued doing this up to the age of 64
c - at the age of 51 to raise money for a local cause
i walked from Leyland in lancashire to Bowness in
the Lake district and back again - 110 miles in 2 days
d - at the age of 52 i walked from leyland to the top of Scafell
Pike and back again - 138 miles in 69 hrs
e - every year from the age of 70 i have cycled twice my age
on my birth day - i am 73 yrs of age
f - I am currently training to raise money next year on behalf
of a young woman who is terminaly ill by cycling 500 miles
in 7 days - finishing on my 74th birthday

I rest my case - the proof of the pudding is in the eating !!!!!!


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Yeah, his name is Strava Dickhead and he pings off the front of the group randomly, leading to a few confused Larry's chasing him and the group going to pieces. He is every club riders opponent! You use your calves and quads to let him know, that ain't cool bro!
Know a few :biggrin:


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
OK - I will give you some of my experiences provided by my training
a - best marathon at 43 yrs of age - 3hrs : 32mins
b - at the age of 50 i walked 50 miles on my birthday
and continued doing this up to the age of 64
c - at the age of 51 to raise money for a local cause
i walked from Leyland in lancashire to Bowness in
the Lake district and back again - 110 miles in 2 days
d - at the age of 52 i walked from leyland to the top of Scafell
Pike and back again - 138 miles in 69 hrs
e - every year from the age of 70 i have cycled twice my age
on my birth day - i am 73 yrs of age
f - I am currently training to raise money next year on behalf
of a young woman who is terminaly ill by cycling 500 miles
in 7 days - finishing on my 74th birthday

I rest my case - the proof of the pudding is in the eating !!!!!!
Anecdote is not evidence
OK - I will give you some of my experiences provided by my training
a - best marathon at 43 yrs of age - 3hrs : 32mins
b - at the age of 50 i walked 50 miles on my birthday
and continued doing this up to the age of 64
c - at the age of 51 to raise money for a local cause
i walked from Leyland in lancashire to Bowness in
the Lake district and back again - 110 miles in 2 days
d - at the age of 52 i walked from leyland to the top of Scafell
Pike and back again - 138 miles in 69 hrs
e - every year from the age of 70 i have cycled twice my age
on my birth day - i am 73 yrs of age
f - I am currently training to raise money next year on behalf
of a young woman who is terminaly ill by cycling 500 miles
in 7 days - finishing on my 74th birthday

I rest my case - the proof of the pudding is in the eating !!!!!!

Congrats n all that - but none of that has any relevance whatsoever to the point in question. No offence. I once scored the winning goal for my cubs football team, but that doesn't qualify me to offer coaching advice to Roy Hodgson.
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
In the course of 2 weeks last year, I lost almost all of my strength and almost all of my power. I not only could not walk up one flight of stairs, I got so bad that I could not even crawl up one. Riding a bike was out of the question.

Once I started to recover from my illness though, I soon got my strength back. I could walk up stairs, climb ladders, and do 10 mile walks over 1,500 ft Pennine hills, but I couldn't go far on my bike unless I rode very slowly. I just couldn't sustain power for any length of time.

It was crystal clear to me that I was not being limited by lack of strength on the bike. It was my heart and lungs that were the problem.

I think that some strengthening of back and core muscles might be useful, but unless you are a sprinter then (as others have suggested) your legs probably develop adequate strength from just riding your bike and walking around.


Anecdote is not evidence

Not just that, but there is no reason to suspect or evidence given that he might not have done all these things without weight training.

My grandad was running 3 hour marathons well into his sixties and be never saw the inside of a gym in his life. Hah counter that @madpensioner .

Of course it means nothing. Just like your evidence means nothing. They are just anecdotes. If you want to carry on doing weights - knock yourself out. It can be fun, and may/may not be good for your general health. But if you think it's improving your on bike performance you are fooling yourself.
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