If you are commuting as your sole mode of transport over the winter then the hardcore choice within your budget has to be Durano Plus (these can be had in 23 or 25mm)
or the heavyweight hardcore 25mm marathons...
Or if its commuting on good days and winter runs out I would go for Michelin pro 4 endurance.
(Links just to illustrate, web surfing should get you better prices)
EDIT: check clearence for guards if you go for 25s.
Marathon Plus have never let me down, which is the most important thing for a winter tyre in my view.
They're a bit heavy for a road bike, but that's no bad thing as you have to work a bit harder to keep up your usual speeds. Switching to something lighter in the spring will be all the sweeter!
Schwalbe Blizzard Sports
http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=schwalbe blizzard sport&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GBfficial&client=firefox-a#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=r06&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB
fficial&tbm=shop&sclient=psy-ab&q=schwalbe blizzard sport spa cycles&oq=schwalbe blizzard sport spa cycles&gs_l=serp.3...15930.17603.1.17731.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=63c3043781180369&bpcl=35466521&biw=792&bih=479
£7.50 for a 23 or 33% more for a 25, which I'd recommend.
People get snobby over tyres. Arguing over 2 tyres that cost £35 an end for a race bike, I understand, maybe you're debating wear over grip or something. At £7.50-10.00 an end I have 3 different bikes wearing them and I'm yet to puncture. That's £80 to kit out 3 bikes. 'Better' tyres could have cost £150-230.
I don't doubt that a GP4000s or such may offer small gains, but in terms of simple, get on, ride and forget, the blizzards take some beating.
Oh, and another perfectly good tyre for £10-£20 is Bontrager Race Lite hardcases.
What sort of miles to you get before they fall apart? I've done 2.5k so far on mine. No holes but one had a side wall gash from a fall and might need replacing soon.Got to agree with this. Use 28's on my Tricross commuter all year round. Generally find they fall apart before the fairy gets to them.
What sort of miles to you get before they fall apart? I've done 2.5k so far on mine. No holes but one had a side wall gash from a fall and might need replacing soon.