As to the OP, win 10 will probably be ok, especially if you use a live disk of some sort for secure stuff. You should still get a new machine though. 4GB of RAM hasn't been enough for a long time.
Can I ask why you say this?
I'm using a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 which is entering its 10th year. It has 4GB of RAM. The machine has been completely faultless for the past 9 years and I've never considered it under resourced in anyway.
I'll replace it this year but only because W10 will be unsupported. I have no other reason to buy a new machine.
My 4GB of RAM works OK with W10, the laptop will even prompt and allow a W11 full install, but it's then that the 4GB of RAM is not enough, updates can literally take days to complete and even when they have installed it's slow in use to the extent it's not viable, so I reverted back to W10; I've tried it three times now and each time it's just not up to it.
I have been experimenting for a few months with
Linux '
Mint', '
Zorin' and '
Ubuntu', all run off a USB with a partition, very easy to set up
using 'Rufus'. I can edit and save files on my C Drive and anything set up like browser bookmarks, settings and saved files are remembered when next in use, without a partition you have to set up from scratch each time. I have also tried 'Chrome OS Flex' although it seems I can't use a partition then edit and save files on my C Drive; my favourite to date is Zorin. I have worked out that there are options and workarounds enabling me to do what I had been enjoying on W10. I still like iTunes to buy MP3 music for example, not easy to install then get to work properly with Linux, but I can use Amazon to buy Mp3 music instead; which works perfectly on Linux. A popular Photoshop alternative is called '
Gimp', I already use
LibreOffice instead of 'Word' so there is no transition to learn in that respect.
Some of those links take you to my go to YouTube channel for advice
, '': I've found them very informative and put across in a plain and simply manner which I personally need as a new Linux user, linked to here in case others who may be reading this thread who are in a similar position to myself may find them of value.
I am gaining confidence to the extent that come 14 October 25 if W10 does make me feel vulnerable I will do a full instore of Zorin.