But fairly accurate. XP is 15 or so years since it was replaced. Windows 10, 3 years. Windows security updates don't do that much. WIndows Defender etc are far more important IMHO
And with no antivirus and no firewall configured.
Do you know what those things do?
Antivirus scans files for signatures of
known malware files. If it's configured appropriately it will scan on demand anything you download and periodically background scan all your files. The malware has to be known about, for long enough to get the signature added to the antivirus patch files, tested, and sent out. Then the installation on your machine has to get updated to the latest version.
Firewalls block network or internet access to and from specific IP addresses or ranges, and to/from specific ports. By default a firewall application might block all access to ports exposed on that machine
except those necessary for the operating system and key software to work
. For example port 80 (http) and port 443 (https) which are the minimum required for your browser to talk to websites. There are lots more. Many protocols are running in the background communicating with different services. For example time. Why don't you have to set your laptop clock like you used to? Because the OS is periodically sending messages to internet time servers to get the current time.
Some malware can infect your PC via the basic ports which have to be open for your PC to work online, so even with fully patched antivirus and firewall, older OSes are more vulnerable even just sat there online doing nothing.