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@thunderlips76 I am not to far from you and the conditions were not to bad today, admittedly I was out later when it had settled a bit, I think the worst in terms of wind I have been out in was 30+mpg gusts, I was out in 20+mph in Aug. The worst here are N to E even a minor 8mph feels much worse even in summer seems to take more speed off you than a S-W

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Cycled to the gym this morning into a strong head-wind, along the coast road which runs parellel
to the cliff top, so very exposed and nowhere to hide! :surrender:

Supposed to be part of my training run, but could only average a tad over 18mph for the 4.4 miles, whilst my heart rate average was 162bpm! :heat:

Ride home was a breeze, but it's impossible to make up the time you've lost, so average was well.......pretty average.:blush:

I hate the wind!
Wouldn't that ride have made the gym pretty superfluous? :laugh:
For the commute my only choice is whether to go the short-but-more-exposed route or 'tack' into the wind the longer way. It's amazing how different the few degrees of offset from head-on to 2 o'clock can make the wind feel.

For rides where I have the choice, my first check is often the flags in the park by our house, to make sure I'm heading out into the wind, in order to finish with it at my back ^_^


Well-Known Member
Its annoying but I still ride when there are heavy gusts of wind. The only time I didn't ride because of wind this year was during a tropical storm with 145 km/h wind speed, that was just too dangerous and probably impossible to ride.


Cycling in the sun
I've been out when it's been gusting to 40 mph but that is about my limit. I hate the wind it really saps me of energy.
They way to get through wind is use to get as low as you can and a couple of gears lower and just spin, take your time its a battle you will never win and you will be surprised you dont lose as much over your average as you might think, unless its really bad, there are many open flat areas around here, my avg on the flat with no wind is probably around 17-18 this particular day I struggled to keep above 11mph


Cycling in the sun
Head winds are a pain.
Side Winds are dangerous
Tail winds are non existent :smile:
Gusting wind is the worst as you get caught off guard!


Senior Member
Commuting 7miles each way right along the sea wall has been interesting last couple days. Brutal headwind in morning. Smashing pr's on way home! :laugh:


When I moved to Liverpool, I had to get used to winds, as we get a lot here. It used to frustrate me no end, till I learned to gear down and spin my way through it, like a hill that doesn't end. I've learned to breathe a big sigh when I turn the corner and my speed drops dramatically as I hit the headwind, and then get on with it!

I did once get instantly blown 3 foot into the road by a sidewind as pass an exposed junction heading into Bootle, which was rather scary!
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